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By your self by rubbing them and if you have a lump then you go to the doctor.

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What is Breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is a series of surgical procedures performed to recreate a breast

What types of cosmetic surgery can be performed on the breast?

There are numerous types of cosmetic breast surgery. These include: breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, and breast implant revision.

Which procedure is performed to afflix sagging breast in a more elevated position?

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What actions are taken when a breast lumpectomy is performed?

The suffix -ectomy in lumpectomy means removal of. In this case a lump-ectomy would be the removal of a lump. The action performed in a breast lumpectomy would be the removal of a lump from a breast.

How can one get a non surgical breast reduction done?

For someone to qualify for free breast reduction you should contact the NHS. The NHS only provide this service if your condition is causing you pain or illness.

Why is Breast implantation done?

Breast implantation is usually performed to make normal breasts larger for cosmetic purposes

When do many women prefer to have breast reconstruction?

Many women choose to have breast reconstruction performed in conjunction with the mastectomy.

Is a breast augmentation performed to reduce breast size?

Breast augmentation is for enlarging a breast size, but there is a surgery for breast reduction. Each surgery does a different shaping to the breast. One makes it larger and the other makes it smaller.

How is breast augmentation performed?

involves the insertion of a silicone- or saline-filled implant into the breast, most often behind the breast tissue or chest muscle wall

Should breast cancer patients get free breast implants?

"In my opinion, breast cancer patients who would like breast implants should be offered them free of charge."

What is the purpose of breast implantation?

Breast implantation is usually performed to make normal breasts larger for cosmetic purposes. Sometimes a woman having a breast reconstruction after a mastectomy will need the opposite breast enlarged.