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Q: Bleeding after a hysterectomy with ovaries not removed?
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Can your eggs be removed after a partial hysterectomy?

After a partial hysterectomy the eggs released from the ovaries are absorbed into the blood stream.

Has anyone had a hysterectomy years after getting a tubal ligation and does that create complications later on down the road with your periods?

Having a tubal ligation makes no difference to your periods. If you have a hysterectomy you will no longer have periods, well not the bleeding anyway. If you do not have your ovaries removed you will still have pre-menstrual symptoms (if you have them) but you will no longer have cramps or bleeding. If your ovaries are removed as well you will go into the menopause.

Will a hysterectomy eliminate pms?

Not entirely unless you have your ovaries removed. Hysterectomy is only the removal of the uterus so the body will still produce ova which will be absorbed and there will be no menses after a hysterectomy.

What is a pan hysterectomy?

A pan hysterectomy is also known as total hysterectomy. It is a surgical procedure during which the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed.

What happens to you after you have a hysterectomy?

Yes. Menopause happens when estrogen is no longer present. If the ovaries remain after a hysterectomy, the normal cycle (except bleeding) will continue until the natural time for menopause (but it is rather unofficial because the bleeding periods stop sooner due to their discontinuation after the hysterectomy). If the ovaries are removed, menopause will follow quickly. Because of the higher risk of osteoporosis, HRT is normal post hysterectomy treatmet in younger people, and that will also delay the onset of menopause.

Should you bleed after total hysterectomy an cervix an both ovaries removed?

no but sometimes i do

Does having a hysterectomy cause no estrogen?

Not unless you have both ovaries removed (oopherectomy)

What can i expect after i get a hysterectomy?

When you get a hysterectomy you will be having your uterus removed and possibly your ovaries as well. The incision will be made as if you are having a C-Section.

Can you go through menopause after full hysterectomy?

Yes the hysterectomy alone is removal of the uterus and it is the ovaries failing as you get older that causes menopause. Youl will go into immediate menopause if you have you ovaries removed and are premenopausal

What structures are removed during a TAH?

total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), and supracervical abdominal hysterectomy (SAH). In a TAH, the uterus and the cervix are both removed. In a SAH, only the uterus is removed. Although your ovaries may be removed during a TAH or SAH, these procedures can easily be performed without removing your ovaries.

What do you mean by Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is removal of uterus. Total hysterectomy is removal of uterus and cervix. If fallopian tubes and ovaries removed as well this is a salpingo oopherectomy (bilateral = both- unilateral one). So a total hysterectomy with salpingo oopherectomy is the uterus,cervix,fallopian tubes and ovaries

Do ovaries shrink after having a hysterectomy?

do your ovaries disinigate after you had a hysterectomy for33 yrs