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If you have been experiencing this for six months and this is the only symptom, I would probably say that something else is behind this problem other than pregnancy. other typical symptoms of pregnany are weight gain, breast tenderness, morning sickness, and mood swings.

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Q: Bad period cramps then period was 7 days late when period finally came on it was very light you have being experinceing this for six months could you be pregnant?
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having period cramps for the first 3-4 months are normal. if you are spotting or see any blood go to the doctors . i had cramps for the first 4 months until they finally went away

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If you didnt have sex then no you cant be pregnant

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yeah, take a test.

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mild cramping is normal,but severe,sounds like trouble.see your doctor immediately

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It's often caused by the preparation fo the uterus for childbirth, called Brackston Hicks. If you are 9 months pregnant, you should be watchful for the real thing. Your first signs of labor will probably be contractions.

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It's possible you could be pregnant if your having cramps. But cramps also come with your period. Oh, and, yes if you were pregnant, being a heavy drinker and smoker, it could really, really harm your baby. Even more so since your a teenager. Hope this helps you. ~God bless you!~

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you may be pregnant. visit your GP for more information.

Could you be pregnant if your tubes were tied 4 yrs ago and am late 4 months and spotting light pink?

Spotting light pink is a charachteristic of being should really go to a clinic and find out, especially if you miss your period four months..or have cramps, tenderness, and light spotting.

Can you still have be pregnant with your period and still have cramps?

Yes you can still have your period and be pregnant. I have about 3 friends who told mi they had there periods for 5 months straight while they were pregnant n they still had cramp's. So the answer to that is yes best thing to do is go see a doctor asap.

Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.