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mind-body connection


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Q: Backaches fatigue and crying are physical signs of stress that are evidence of which of the following?
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The result of backaches fatigue and crying are what physical signs of stress?

mind-body connection

What can result in backaches fatigue and crying?

If you go through fatigue and crying without no apparent cause, and it not going away with proper rest and nutrition, you should see your doctor.

What is the difference between physical fatigue and phychological fatigue?

Physical fatigue is the feeling of tiredness or exhaustion in the body due to physical exertion or lack of rest, while psychological fatigue is a mental state of tiredness or depletion often caused by stress, anxiety, or mental effort. Physical fatigue affects the body's ability to perform physical tasks, while psychological fatigue affects cognitive functions and emotional well-being.

Give the 3 forms of fatigues?

The three forms of fatigue are physical fatigue, mental fatigue, and emotional fatigue. Physical fatigue is the tiredness of the body, mental fatigue affects the mind's ability to focus and make decisions, and emotional fatigue pertains to feeling drained of emotional energy.

What are two types of fatigue?

If you are referring to Human Beings it can be Physical or Metal fatigue.

What should you look for for early pregnancy?

Most likely missed period, swollen breasts, Fatigue, Nausea, Backaches, Headaches, Frequent urination, and food cravings just to name some.

What are the two type of fatigue?

There are different forms of fatigue. The most common ones include metabolic fatigue, muscular fatigue, energy depletion and fatigue of the nervous system.

Mental or physical exhaustion 7 letters?


Can you use the word fatigue to make a sentence?

The word "fatigue" means "mental or physical exhaustion: extreme tiredness or weariness resulting from physical or mental activity." Used in a sentence: He ran for so long that he almost fainted from fatigue.

What word starting with f means physical tiredness?


What type of task in the army that produce fatigue?

physical and mental

Where can one find symptoms to a virus which include fatigue?

Post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) is a condition or conditions characterized by fatigue following a viral infection. The term is not widely used, but the state of prolonged or severe fatigue after illness is not uncommon. Some people experience fatigue and related symptoms for months or years following a severe viral infection.[1]