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at any value! hcg is a hormone only produced by a pregnant or recently pregnant woman...that is to say is she had a miscarraige she could still be carring the hormone in her body but it will decreases over time instead of increase as it does with a normal pregnancy.

Well, I had a miscarriage and the obgyn attending me said that an hcg level of 5 or below is considered a negative reading for a pregnancy. Therefore, once you reach that level, the pregnancy is definitely over.

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Q: At what value of hcg indicates pregnancy?
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Lh surge indicates pregnancy?

A Lh surge (known as the luteal surge) indicates ovulation, not pregnancy. The luteal surge causes the follicle to burst which releases the egg into the body cavity, it is then drawn into the fallopian tubule where fertilization occurs. An increase in HCG indicates pregnancy, HCG in blood and urine is the first outward sign of pregnancy.

What in the blood test indicates pregnancy?

A specific hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is typically detected in the blood during pregnancy. The levels of hCG rise rapidly in the early stages of pregnancy and can be measured through a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

Does it matter how light the line is in a pregnancy test?

Yes, the intensity of the line on a pregnancy test can indicate the level of hCG hormone present in the urine, which is used to determine pregnancy. A faint line may indicate early pregnancy or a low level of hCG, while a darker line typically indicates higher levels of hCG. It is best to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for interpreting the results of the test.

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That hormone is called, HCGt. It stands for, "Human Choreonic Gonad- atropin. It is produced in the Liver, and elevated levels in urine can be an indication of pregnancy in women, or, prostate cancer in men.

Which hormone is called pregnancy hormone?

hCG is in pregnant mothers.It is tested to identify pregnancy.

What does 229 Hcg level mean?

Hcg is the level of a pregnancy hormone that increases throughout the pregnancy. An Hcg level of 229 means that a woman is in the very early stages of pregnancy, or is having a miscarriage.

What hormone level you should be when pregnant?

Estrogen levels vary tremendously when you are pregnant. There is no "set" value for a week of pregnancy just a very wide range. If you are concerned, you should talk to your doctor.

What is hcg hormone?

hCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin.It is produced in pregnancy.

What is the hormone responsible for pregnancy?

HcG is tested for pregnancy.HcG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin.

Why is the blood value low in the blood pregnancy test?

Hi, In the Quantiative Beta HCG blood pregnancy test, the value of HCG that the tests looks for before you get a positive, is low because it determines and confirms pregnancy very early. If you have low HCG in your blood test result, this may means several things. * Your not as far along as you thought you was. * Your at risk of miscarriage. In the case of risk of miscarriage, the doctors usually repeat the blood test within 48 hours to see if HCG levels have decreased or increased.

After miscarriage and 0 hcg Does it make it hard for pregnancy tests to read accurate?

Hello, If you have 0 HCG in your blood, and if you conceived after this then a pregnancy test would be accurate. A pregnancy test will not be accurate if you have any HCG in your blood.

What does hCG mean?

'Hcg' means hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta; detection in the urine and serum is the basis for one kind of pregnancy test