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Actually, you are born with as many eggs as you'll ever have. You loose them one by one. So menopause is when you finally run out of eggs. This most often happens in a woman's mid-forties, but has been known to happen in the late thirties as well.

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14y ago

It's Called Menopause. Usually happens around 50 years of age.

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Q: At what age will a woman stop being fertile?
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A woman's period will stop once she goes through menopause. Each woman reaches that stage at a different age. The average age that a woman shows menopause onset signs is 51 plus or minus several years.

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This is different for every woman, if you mean naturally. If the woman has an fertile eggs left and has sex with a man who has fertile sperm, then yes. A lot of women have gone through menopause by age 50 though. Women this age can still conceive artificially though through alternative methods such as In Vitro Fertilization.yes its never to late to be a mum so i say go for itIf human, female, and otherwise fertile, yes.

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No. It cannot make you crazy, but it can wreak havoc on your emotions or contribute to depression.

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In the UK, you stop being a minor at the age of 18. At 18, you are considered an adult and gain all associated rights and responsibilities under the law.