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The last molar should come in around 14 until the wisdom teeth come in usually between 16 and 18 depending on the individual.

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17y ago
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13y ago

I'm 10 and I have a loose tooth. Mostly at age 11 or 12. It all depends on the baby teeth. Hope this helped! :)

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12y ago

Your teeth stop growing after they are an adult tooth.

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12y ago

well at petty much any age

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Q: At what age does the teeth stop growing?
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no. beavers are rodents because all rodents have teeth that never stop growing. a beavers teeth never stop growing!

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I don't think they stop growing per se, just that the act of gnawing helps wear down the teeth (i.e. shorten the teeth). They keep growing forever, though.

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Women stop growing at 14 to 18 years of age, and men stop growing at about 18 to 21 years of age.

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No. Their teeth do not stop growing but biting down on the wood so many times makes the Beaver's teeth wear down, keeping them smaller. If they didn't bite down trees their teeth would grow too long.

Why do your teeth stop growing?

you teeth stop gowing when you have switched out every one of them

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