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You are saying at what age do they stop showing signs of Narcissism but they can't because you are saying they are not really a narcissist so how can they!

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Q: At about what age does one normally begin to stop showing signs of narcissism if they are not really a narcissist?
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How does narcissism affect an individual?

depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life

Insecurity and narcissism?

To say a narcissist is insecure would be to put it lightly. They are PROFOUNDLY insecure. You would be too if you were rejected by everyone, including your parents, for who you really are. It is hard to love and care about someone for who they really are when you dont know who they really are. After all the narcissist has a fake personality which he seems to think people will admire him for but once people see through it, the narcissist becomes very lonely.

Is it possible for a man to be considered Narcissistic and yet it is really covering deep insecurities?

The quick answer is "Yes." But generally, narcissism is exactly what you are describing: the narcissist is not secure so he or she must overcompensate so as to attempt to prevent others from questioning these shortcomings. The narcissist is unsure of his or her worth, so must work to prove to others that he or she is a person of value.

What can a parent do if they feel an adult child has narcissism?

There's nothing you really can do about a narcissist. They don't think they have a problem, so it's very difficult to get them to go to therapy and even want to be "cured." Maybe you can go to therapy yourself to learn how to cope with this problem - it'd help you to deal with things better.

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You are pregnant with an abusive man you have been with for two years you are sure he is a narcissist you are worried he will not cope if you leave What do you do?

You get concerned about YOURSELF, and the effect this man will have on your child. Do you want to raise a narcissist? Because that will happen when your unborn baby lives with a narcissist? Get Out Now! Don't worry about him, he is an adult, and narcissist have an uncanny way of surviving. They, eventually, just adopt another personality and pretend the previous life did not exist. Read all you can about Narcissism and how scarry it is. Read how manipulative narcissists are and how they will try to fool you if they feel you are going to abandon them (until they want to abandon you!). Read how in danger - emotionally - you really are. Read how every commentary written about people (and even by people who ARE narcissists) who stay with narcissists are told "GET AWAY." Then, do it!

What is the difference between healthy narcissism?

Healthy narcissism is when you love yourself for who you really are. Pathological narcissim is when you are in love with an image of yourself you cannot obtain. Everyone has traits from both, especially in western society where focus is on the individual.

Do looks and personality mean much to the somatic female narcissist?

Not really. It is the conquest that matters - it buttresses and regulates the somatic narcissist's labile emotions and volatile sense of self-worth.

How can you win a settlement in divorcing a narcissist?

By getting a good lawyer. Seriously, that's really the only thing that matters; the fact that YOU THINK your soon-to-be-ex is a narcissist is legally irrelevant.

How does Narcissism relate to misogyny which is the hatred of and desire to control women?

Even psychiatrists can't answer this question. A Narcissist has a deep core in them that is extremely complex (many things in one) and their behavior is usually learned from their environment (family.) Example: A young man or woman growing up can be over-shadowed by a mother/father that never lets him/her grow up, or a cruel mother/father or one that deserts him/her, thus, he/she begins to hate the opposite sex. A Narcissist is about control and therefore when a woman/man speaks of love for them the Narcissist feels owned or possessed and they don't like the feeling because they need that total control. Narcissist almost always choose submissive type personalities (easier to control and play head games with.) This DOES NOT mean that a shy or loving mate of a Narcissist is weak at all. The Narcissist is simply the preditor and the victim is their prey. Some Narcissists can hate women or vice-versa with a vengence, but then again, many men/women can hate the opposite sex and not be a Narcissist. Some Narcissists adore women and really try to have a normal relationship, but of course it always fails because of the control issue.

How do you communicate with a narcissist spouse?

Narcissism? Narcissism, the excessive love or admiration of oneself, is a phenomina that usually results when parents, for one reason or another, pay too much attentiion to a child. The response of the child as it grows into adulthood, is to expect a duplication of the parental response in all of his/her relationships. I am fully aware of the loose usage of many psychological terms. It is possible that your spouse is simply self-involved or does not communicate well. These are possibilities. I therefore must frame my answer in the following way: if your spouse is really narcissistic, you can not expect much in terms of a changed behavior. But if she is simply self-involved, you might want to ask her how she feels about you and her relationship to you? You might get an answer or you might not. Read more about narcissism in the book reference on my Bio Page.

Is there a cure for Narcissism?

I have a brother-in-law who exhibits narcissistic behaviour when his bi-polar disease kicks in. This chemical imbalance in his brain really affects his ability to behave as an equal with me (as opposed to being controlling and self-involved). I encourage you to research up on Narcissism and Bi-polar disease, as well as Personality disorders, if you haven't already. Consult a good professional if you still are worried. Narcissism is destructive of relationships. Make sure that you are not being "brain-washed" in an abusive relationship-sometimes an abuser might accuse their victim of selfishness causing them self-doubt and self-recrimination. I am a layperson, so take my thoughts for what that is worth.