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I Dont Know Much About Pregnancy Tests But Id Suggest You Take Another One Just Incase The Test Got Contaminated In Any Way, Its Best To Be Sure Before Jumping To Conclusions. If It Happens Again Then Iam Assuming Your Pregnant. Both of mine showed up faint. I went to the Health Department and sure enough, I was 5 weeks pregnant FAINT POSITIVE IS POSITIVE CONGRATULATIONS

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Q: Are you pregnant when the pregnant test say positive even though bit faint?
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Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

Would a faint line on a test mean you are pregnant even though another one said you were pregnant?

I'll assume you meant that another one said you were not pregnant, but that you got a faint line on a +/- type of test. You could well be pregnant. Was the other test a digital or a +/- type?

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My understanding is that even if you test has a faint positive that it is positive. Good luck and take another test.

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Even if it is very faint in color if it is there it is positive. I had one once and it was the faintest line, you could barely see it , and I was pregnant.

You saw a faint spec on pregnancy test could you be pregnant?

A faint line on a pregnancy test could indicate a positive result, as even a faint line typically means there is hCG present in your urine. It is recommended to retest a few days later or consult with a healthcare provider for confirmation.

If you get faint positive on a home pregnancy test does that mean it is positive?

Even if it is the faintest positive line still take it as a positive and be prepared, take another test in a couple of weeks and see if it get's darker. you never know. the faintest positive line can mean you pregnant. But like i said take another one in a couple of weeks.

First pregnancy test was positive and 1 week later it was negative and your period came?

You are most probably not pregnant. even though you may have been.

Is there any chance you are not pregnant even though you missed your period and have pregnancy symptoms and two positive home pregnancy tests?

No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.

Is it a bad thing if you have done 3 home pregnancy tests and them all come up with a faint positive line on them even when you have done them a week apart?

This happened to a friend of mine. Turned out she was not pregnant but actually diabetic. Go see your doctor

Can someone be pregnant without symptoms?

Yes you can be pregnant even though there are no syptoms.

If one test reads positive and the other one reads negative?

it's common to get a false negative, even if you are pregnant. but typically, if it reads as positive, you are pregnant

Can you get a girl pregnant even though she is on birth control?

Yes, you can.