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The legal nationwide drinking age in Australia is 18.

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Q: Are you allowed to drink alcohol when you're 16 years old in Australia?
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What is the legal age in Australia to be in a club but not drink alcohol?

18 years

How old do you need to be to drink alcohol in Australia?

18 years old.

When is kids allowed to have alcohol?

the age for legal alcohol drinking by students or children is different in each area. usually, the normal age if some child being allowed to drink ranges between 16 - 20 years.

How old do you have to be to drink alchohol in Germany?

I think 18 years old

How old you have to be to drink?

you have to be 18 to drink alcoholic beverages No you have to be 21 to drink Alcoholic beverages its true you have to be 21 years old to drink at least in the USA. :D

Can you drink alcohol with advair?

Yes you can been doing it for years

Are you aloud to drink alcohol if you are 5 years old in the UK?


Where are persons 21 years of age or older allowed to drink alcoholic beverages?

In most countries of the world people over the age of 21 are legally entitled to drink alcohol at home or in places designated for the purpose (bars, restaurants etc).

How old can you drink in Brazil?

18 years old is the legal age to buy and drink alcohol in Brazil.

How old do you have to be in Bulgaria to drink alcohol?

NOBODY drinks alcohol in Brunei. You can't drink alcohol in Brunei. You can't buy alcohol in Brunei. You can't bring in alcohol to Brunei unless you have a permit(which is very hard to get). Alcohol is not acceptable unless it is in fragrance or something. No one is going to drink a perfume.

How old do you need to be to drink alcohol?

Before the age of 18, you are not allowed to buy alcohol in pubs or shops, drink alcohol in pubs or outside in public places. It is also unlawful for anyone else to buy alcohol for you if you are under 18 and the drink will be consumed in a pub or public place. If you are aged 16 or 17 you are allowed to buy and drink alcohol if it is to accompany a meal bought in the same place, for example in a restaurant. Any child aged five or over can drink alcohol at home or on other private premises but children under the age of five can only drink alcohol on a doctor's advice for health reasons. It's illegal to sell cigarettes, tobacco or cigarette papers to anyone under 18. Smoking is banned in all public places and workplaces, whatever your age.

What is the legal drinking in the US?

You have to be 21 years old to purchase or drink alcohol.