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Sorry as a person allergic not only to human hair but sinthetic i have to disagree, I have to take pills just to not itch my skin off everytime a bit of hair falls off my head into what ever i am wearing . I even thought okay cut off my hair and wear wigs and even a strand lost from a wig on my skill will cause me to itch insesently , but my doctor gave me lotradine that i wont take everyday cause i inspect my clothes and coats when i put them on . Some time the itch starts regardless cause i miss hairs , but the lotradine makes the itch go away in about 30 mins and i struggle till then not to draw blood when i am scratching. So yes there are some of us that are allergeric to human hair . Though i think it is caused by medications i have to take cause it was not like this my whole life.

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Q: Are you allergic to human hair?
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