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Q: Are there white blood c in the tonsils?
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Are tonsils important?

The tonsils are part of the body's immune system. Because of their location at the throat and palate, they can stop germs entering the body through the mouth or the nose. The tonsils also contain a lot of white blood cells, which are responsible for killing germs.

What are those Hard white stones on tonsils?

Everything is answered here:

What happens to your tonsils when you have mono?

Your tonsils swell up and might have a white film on them in dots

What color is the tonsils?

the tonsils are pink or sometimes red withe white puss if infected

What does tonsilitis look like?

The tonsils go all swollen and the tonsils also get white Stuff on them

What system does tonsils belongs to?

Tonsils are part of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for fighting off infections and diseases in the body. The tonsils help to detect pathogens in the mouth and throat and produce white blood cells to fight off infections.

What is the special role of the tonsils the spleen?

Tonsils are the immune systems first-line of defense against inhaled pathogens. They produce T-cells, a type of white blood cell that aids in immunity. The spleen helps with immunity by purifying the blood and helps the immune system recognize and attack foreign antibodies.

What are tongsils for?

Tonsils are not just flesh there made up of white blood cells.Tongsils are very useful the collect any bacteria that are on food to stop you getting any disses

What organs does not contain lymphatic tissue a. liver b. spleen c. lingual tonsils d. thymus e. pharyngeal tonsils?


What are they white lumps on your tonsils that appear every few days?


Describe the stages of development and maturation of white blood cells?

White blood cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow and go through several stages of development and maturation. These stages include the precursor cell stage, where the cells undergo various divisions and differentiation into specific types of white blood cells such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Once mature, white blood cells are released into the bloodstream where they play essential roles in the immune response to infections and diseases.

What does it mean if your tonsils are red and kond of swelled up and it has a white dot on them?
