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These are the characteristics of a child with Aspergers:

~You hear people talk very loudly

~What people say doesn't always make sense

~It's as if earth is an unknown planet, and you have no clue how everyone behaves, or how you should behave

~You don't know how to start a conversation or how to keep it going, it can be very hard to learn how to

~You may be interested in a certain thing, and you study just that (for example, dogs)

~You could become an expert on that certain thing (using the example, if you're into dogs, you could become a dog trainer, or a veterinarian, or an animal therapist, and so on)

~You may eventually learn how to be like others, but you'll still feel a little different

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11y ago

First characteristic: An obsession. Every Aspie has an obsession. That means that when we care about something, it will grip and fill our whole minds.

An aspie might have a life-long obsession. An aspie can also have short term obsessions. If I have to learn something, it becomes my obsession until I know it thoroughly. I also have two ongoing permanent obsessions. This obsession can be with anything, it depends on the individual. We might talk about it for hours and bore you terribly.

We often learn social cues in adulthood, while other people knew them in their teenage years.Sometimes we appear weird. Others of us study social skills and learn to blend in very effectively. However, most of us still feel like we never really fit in.

We are extremely sensitive. We may care deeply about our loved ones. Yet we may have difficulty expressing our emotions in ways that people without Aspergers understand.

We also tend to hate loud noises and sometimes bright lights. They hurt. We may have other sensory issues and sensitivities, such as to taste or touch.

Some fictional characters with aspergers are Mr Monk, from Monk, Lars, from Lars and the Real Girl (who is also emotionally damaged), Abed in Community, Lucius in the Village and possibly Fluttershy in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Women with Aspergers are more likely to be undiagnosed and are not often portrayed in movies or TV.

We each have our own personality and Aspergers manifests itself in different ways in different people. Different people may have different combinations of symptoms.

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12y ago

Someone with AS may be a bit clumsy, physically. Other than this particular physical trait, there is no other physical manifestation of Asperger's.

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12y ago

They have lots of characteristics . More than you can imagine . No matter what,they almost all have different characteristics.

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Q: Are there special characteristics traits in Asperger's Syndrome?
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Yes, it seems like he displays extremely strong traits of it. His inability to communicate to the audience, his awkwardness in public in matches are really key traits in a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome. I've got it myself and know loads of people who have it with better social skills than murray. I would say most definately YES!

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If your wife has Asperger's there is nothing you need to worry about. Aspergers has no cure and is reletively mild on the autistic scale. Aspergers may include things such as OCD, depression, anxiety, besides the traits that mark Aspergers such as having certain almost obessive interests and generally not being very talkative. If you are however concerned such as the possibility of having a child, the odds of the child developing Aspergers is around 80% from what I've read. In most cases from what I've seen and experienced (I have Aspergers) people with Aspergers are fine and prefer to ignore the fact they have it and try to live a normal life. The best thing you can do is treat her to things she likes and not bring the issue up (not unless she has an interest with it :p).

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the answer to this question is traits.

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Different forms of characteristics can be called traits, attributes, qualities, or features. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe the various characteristics of an individual, object, or entity.