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The word morphine is derived from 'Morpheus' the god of dreams in Greek mythology. Chemical name for morphine is: (5 alpha, 6 alpha) 7,8 didehydro-4,5 epoxy-17methylmorphinan-3,5diol. It is an opiate alkaloid and a constituent of opium which is the name given to the dried juice of the unripe seedpods of poppy flower (Papaveretum somniferum). Codeine and heroin are derivatives of morphine. Codeine is methylmorphine and is well-known for its analgesic, anti-tussive and anti-diarrhoeal properties. Heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from morphine and is chemically known as diamorphine or diacetylmorphine. Heroin is highly addictive and its abuse has disastrous implications both for the individual and the society. Morphine is a controlled drug from prescription point of view and is usually prescribed as morphine sulphate or under different trade names e.g. MST, MXL, Oramorph and Sevredol etc.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Benzoylmethylecgonine, coke, blow, yayo, snow, devil's dandruff, the fast white lady, Bolivian marching powder. The list goes on and on...

c flake nose candy toot free base crack

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11y ago

Heroin is chemically known as diacetyl morphine and is known as junk in slang. Lower quality heroin which is black in color is known as "black tar" heroin.

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8y ago

There are several "street names" for heroin, but the drug doesn't have an alternate name, such as the generic name for "Benadryl" is diphenhydramine. Some examples of street names for heroin, (usually made up to avoid detection by law enforcement on phone calls, in jail, etc) are :

Smack, dope, "H".skag, heroina (Spanish), "boy", and many others.

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15y ago

tar, smack, dope, brown, dog food, china white, powder

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7y ago

Heroin is also known as diamorphine. Its formulas is: C21H23NO5

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