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Q: Are there different rashes that forms into a ring?
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Can you use clindamycin phosphate on face if you have lupus?

This is a question for your dermatologist. There are many forms of lupus rashes. Each requires a different treatment plan.

What do rashes come from?

Rashes can be caused by many different kinds of things. A rash can be defined as any spots or red markings that appear on the skin. There are many different types of skin rashes. People develop rashes for different reasons, but usually it is due to an allergic reaction to something, either by direct contact or by ingesting something that the person in allergic to. Also rashes can be symptoms of certain diseases, such as chicken pox, measles or scarletina.

What is it if dog has ring like rashes with flaky skin on top?

Possibly ringworm. You should take it to the vets.

Mold in the skin?

Some forms of toxic mold have been known to cause skin rashes

Can seasonal allergies cause skin rashes?

Yes, seasonal allergies are no different from 'normal' allergies.

Can you show a list of body rashes?

- - - Arm Pit Rashes Leg Rashes Nose Rashes Ear Rashes - - -

What is the definition of annular in dermatology?

Annular means like a ring, or round in shape. Several things in dermatology cause annular rashes.

If you keep itching in different spots and rashes appear and disappear what is this called?


What two sugars are structural isomer and what makes them different?

Glucose and fructose are two structural isomers: they both have the formula C6H12O6, but differ in the arrangement of those atoms within their molecules. Glucose forms a ring with six carbons, while fructose forms rings with only five carbons (the rest are attached to the outside of the ring.) These different structures give the two different properties and make them react differently.

What is a ring of coral that forms an island called?

An atoll.

Which layer forms the bathtub ring?

stratum corneum

What is the advantage of using a ring main in a house for lighting?

because it forms a complete ring or loop in a home