Dogs are older than human because they leave longer than any other creatures
mythical creatures Yes, there are tons. Dragons, merfolk, unicorns, trolls, ghouls, dwarfs, gnomes, fairies, chimeras, minotaurs, and on and on for a long ways.
no there are not
conflict is shown between the hawk and the other creatures/animals in the wild life, because he feels he is more dominant than any other.
Any creature that stalks and eats other creatures is a predator. If it eats smaller fish than it is a predator.
the other things it eats
Rolling on the floor laughing. It came to be just like any other LOLspeak.
No. There is no known life other than on earth. Gas giants such as Saturn are probably incapable of sustaining life.
They can be just like other creatures. Animals are very unpredictable creatures and can lash out at any moment.
Any sea creature, from the blue whale to the smallest krill, will be eaten by other creatures when they die.
Humans are top of the food chain, We have so much more knowledge than any other species and learn and use that more than just instincts. Humans have done and can do more than any other living creatures in the world, we basically rule it
Any other characteristics than what? They are cold-blooded, they start their lifecycle in the water and at the onset of adulthood move to dryland. They are mainly carnivorous, eating small water creatures and insects.