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Treating Asthma is no easy task, and because of that everyone is looking for natural asthma treatments. There are various different ways to treat asthma, it can be done naturally, by using medications, or even by using herbal treatments can be used to treat asthma.

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13y ago

There are many home remedies, that may or may not work for asthma. The best thing you can do for asthma is to go to the doctor and be prescribed an inhaler.

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Related questions

What are the treatments for asthma?

the treatments of asthma are the inhalers and nebulizer

Are there any ways to treat severe asthma?

Yes, there are many ways to treat severe asthma. All asthma treatments are individualized and should be used in conjunction with treatment from your doctor. There are drug treatments that your DR will recommend.

Does any asthma treatment cure the disease?

There are no asthma treatments that will cure asthma. Researchers are still working on it, but it can keep your asthma at bay for a short period of time where you don't have asthma attacks as often.

Is there any alternative cure for asthma other than inhalers?

go to the related link below to get more information on asthma ant treatment options. Asthma treatments

Where can I find information about asthma treatments?

You can research more about asthma treatments or ask your doctors for more information about them and also go to online websites such as to find out more about it.

Is there a website specifically for treatments for asthma?

The best thing to do about your asthma is to discuss the problem with your doctor. For general information regarding treatment of asthma, visit or

Where are allergy related asthma treatments available?

Allergy related asthma treatments are usually available at your family doctors office. He may do some tests and give you a allergy prescription.

Can you predict asthma attacks?

I have asthma and I can't predict if I'm going to have an asthma attack that day but if i wake up and my chest is tight then I make sure to take it easy in any activities to prevent an asthma attack

What asthma treatments are available to children?

To treat children with asthma, there are several options such as medications, inhalers as well as oxygen therapy.

Are there any natural asthma treatments that dont involve the use of medication?

One of the best treatments you can do naturally is swimming. It's highly recommended by doctors as a natural way to expand and regulate better the airways.

Children with Asthma?

are often allergic to something like mold that sets off the asthma attack. A good first approach is to take the child to an allergy doctor to see what allergies if any exist and avoid them or get allergy treatments.

What are some treatments for pediatric asthma?

There are a lot of treatments for pediatric asthma such as control asthma by reducing impairment through prevention of chronic and troublesome symptoms, reducing the need for a short-acting beta2-agonist for quick relief of symptoms, maintain near-normal pulmonary function.