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Q: Are there 3 kinds of celiac disease mild-moderate-severe?
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What is the best way to get a celiac disease test?

Yes. Children can get Celiac Disease at any age. A child can have Celiakc Disease when there born. Adults and Children and teenagers can get it. Even grandparents. At any age you can get Celiac Disease.

Is there a classification of staging the prognosis if Celiac disease?

Yes, it's called the Marsh classification. There are 6 different stages all depending how long you have had Celiac Disease without being on a gluten free diet. But the stages can be reversed by the small intestine being repaired by going on a gluten free diet.Type 0: Normal; celiac disease highly unlikely.Type 1: Seen in patients on gluten free diet (suggesting minimal amounts of gluten or gliadin are being ingested); patients with dermatitis herpetiformis; family members of celiac disease patients, not specific, may be seen in infections.Type 2: Very rare, seen occasionally in dermatitis herpetiformis.Type 3: Spectrum of changes seen in symptomatic celiac disease.

Is celiac disease fatal?

No, celiac disease is not fatal. you have nothing to worry about. I've had celiac disease for 3 years and I'm fine. all you have to do is stay off gluten, or wheat. You have to avoid wheat, rye, barley and any other grain in which the protein gluten is found. Most if not all people with Celiac disease must also avoid gluten by-products like malt that is used in many processed foods. Most every commercially prepared food product has some form of gluten agent in it, so read labels carefully or you may be ingesting gluten without even knowing it. Visit for more info. Actually, it can be fatal. My aunt died from Celiac Disease in 2006.

An Introduction to Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease was once thought to be rare, but increased knowledge of the disease has led to a surge of new diagnoses in the last ten years. The disease effects nearly 3 million people in the United States and can be fatal if left untreated.What is Celiac Disease?Celiac disease is a condition that effects the digestive system. It is triggered by the consumption of gluten, which is a component of wheat, rye and barley. The disease causes the body to attack the intestinal lining, which is essential to the absorption of nutrients.What are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?The symptoms of celiac disease may vary from patient to patient and some only complain of vague discomfort. Common symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. These symptoms are similar to those experienced by patients diagnosed with a host of other diseases, including stomach ulcers, infections, anemia, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.Some patients may experience a skin rash, upset stomach, depression, anxiety, joint pain or oral sores. Other symptoms may include osteoporosis, tingling in the limbs, gray-colored stools, fatigue, stomach cramps or weight loss.What Causes the Disease?Doctors still are not sure what causes celiac disease, but they believe that it may be genetic. People with a close blood relative that have been diagnosed are more likely to develop the disease themselves. Other risk factors include having Down syndrome or colitis. People that have type 1 diabetes or a thyroid disease are also at a greater risk for developing celiac disease.How is Celiac Disease Diagnosed?Diagnosing celiac disease can be difficult, as symptoms often mimic those of other disorders. Higher levels of certain antibodies can be detected through a blood test. These extra antibodies may be produced by the body in an effort to destroy gluten. Damage caused by celiac disease can be seen when doctors take a sample of the small intestine. Some doctors use camera pills to view the small intestine. This endoscopic procedure allows the doctor to examine the patient's intestinal tract by collecting hundreds or thousands of images.

What is the name to the arterial trunk that has 3 major branches that lead to the spleen liver and stomach?

Celiac trunk.

Is Eczema linked to celiac disease?

With Celiac disease important vitamins and minerals are not absorbed. Important vit and minerals for eczema prevention and cure: Omega 3 fatts Gamma linolenic acid VIT B 50 COMPLEX Vit c MG SELENIUM ZINC DETOX (MILK THISTLE) DAILY B-50 COMPLEX VIT C 1000MG VIT E 400IU SEL 100-200MCG ZINC 15 MG MG 200MG FATTY ACIDS 400MG FLAXSEED 400MG BORAGE 400 MG FISH OIL 548 MG GLA (BORRAGE OIL) MILK THISTLE DETOX 175 MG PER CAPSULE DIGESTIVE ENZYME PROBIOTIC COMBINATION ==== Skin conditions do accompany Celiac Disease. I have Celiac disease and also suffer from flaking skin, which my doc says is part of Celiac Disease. I don't recall if it's Eczema or something else.

Is the gene for celiac disease dominate or recessive?

The following information was taken with permission from the author (me) from the following article, A Diagnosis of Celiac Disease: What Does This Mean to Me? referenced below. Celiac disease (CD) is neither a dominant nor a recessive genetic disorder. It is a chronic, inherited (genetic) disorder passed to the child by either the mother or the father (Celiac Disease Center, 2012). It does not require both parents to have that gene and it can occur at any time in a person's life (Celiac Disease Center). Left untreated it will lead to malnutrition (Mahadov & Green, 2011). It is more common in females than males, with a 2-3:1 ratio (Tack,, 2010), especially in individuals who test postitive for the CD gene (Lewey, 2008). The rationale for a higher female to male ratio is thought to be the higher incidence of stress and trauma to the female body (i.e. pregnancy & childbirth) (Lewey, 2008). In families that have CD, there is a 5% probability of developing the disease in first degree relatives (mother, father, child, sibling) and a 3% chance in second degree relatives (aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent) (Celiac Disease Center, 2012). It results from an immune response (allergy) to gluten (Mahadov & Green, Tack,, GIG, 2012). Just because a person has the gene for celiac disease, does not mean they have the disorder. In fact, 35% of Americans carry the haplotypes, DQ2 or DQ8 (Celiac Disease Center, 2012), but only 1 to 1.26% of Americans have been diagnosed with CD (NIH, 2012). There are some individuals, mostly male, that test negative for the two haplotypes, DQ2 and DQ8, still have positive clinical presentations of the disease (Lewey, 2008). Usually, these individuals have had celiac disease for a long time (Lewey). NOTE: Eating gluten does NOT trigger the gene, but rather, the gene is triggered by stress, trauma, and infections (GIG, 2012, Tack, Examples of trauma are not what most would think, and include pregnancy, surgery, a broken bone, death in the family, etc. Some environmental factors include the amount of gluten given to the child and at what age it is given to them (Sharaf, Verna, & Green, n.d.). Infections also play a role in the development of CD (Sharaf, Verna, & Green).

Can you smoke marijuana with Celiac Disease?

There are no medical journals or studies that I was able to find linking cannabis causally to Celiac Disease. I did, however, find a wealth of knowledge of ways that cannabis can beneficially treat symptoms of Celiac Disease."Marijuana can be used to treat many of the symptoms of celiac disease that are qualifying medical conditions under state medical marijuana laws. Marijuana "cools the gut." It slows down the muscle contractions that move food through the stomach and intestines and reduces the secretion of liquid into the intestines associated with diarrhea (3). Marijuana also controls the muscle spasms associated with diarrhea. It also increases appetite and can offset the inefficiency in the celiac's ability to absorb nutrients from the food he/she eats.Constituents in marijuana called cannabinoids interact with receptors (called CB1 receptors) in the enteric nervous system (the part of the nervous system that directly controls the gastrointestinal system) and with CB1 receptors in the brain. The cannabinoids in marijuana that contribute to its ability to treat the symptoms of celiac disease include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). People with celiac disease should use marijuana strains that contain relatively high concentrations of both of these constituents. Active celiac disease causes the number of CB1 receptors in the small intestines to increase (6) as the body seeks to counteract the consequences of gluten-dependent inflamation. THC binds to CB1 receptors on cells in the gut and brain and acts as an agonist to inhibit emptying of the stomach and transit of food through the intestines (7,8). CBD acts on CB2 receptors on immune cells to reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (4). CBD has little effect on intestinal motility on its own, but it synergizes the effect of THC (5)."

What are the most inherited diseases?

1. Cystic Fibrosis 2. Huntington's Disease 3. Down Syndrome 4. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 5. Sickle Cell Anemia 6. Celiac Disease 7. Becker Muscular Dystrophy 8. Noonan Syndrome 9. Thalassemias 10. Bloom's Syndrome

What causes sudden weight gain and gas followed by short pains in the abdominal area?

I am thinking that stress is the cause. I find the pills at the drug store called Gas X helpYou do not say when this happens, but I am wondering if you are eating a large meal late at night? Try eating your larger meal in the afternoon and having a much lighter meal in the evening.Short frequent meals low in sugar and carbs tend to weigh you down. A high salt content in your food can also cause the retention of water in the body and lead to bloating. Try to go for walks after eating. Green tea in the morning speeds up the old body. If any of this works then great! If not, it could be something a little more major.DO NOT DRINK GREEN TEA IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, at least not in large quantities, the EGCG compounds can affect folate levels in the body and the high caffeine content may be potntially harmful.AnswerAnother possible diagnosis is Celiac Disease, also known as Celiac Sprue or as gluten intolerance. It is a genetically inherited disease that can begin at birth, or can manifest later in life after experiencing some trauma (surgery, a car accident, child birth, etc.) It occurs when a protein found in wheat (gluten) cannot be properly absorbed by the digestive tract and triggers an autoimmune response, damaging the lining of the small intestine.The symptoms of Celiac Disease are many and varied. Sudden weight gain, sudden weight loss, gas and abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea are common digestive issues associated with Celiac Disease. Other symptoms may be present, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Celiac Disease is also commonly misdiagnosed as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Crohn's Disease, or just "stress".It is estimated that over 3 million people in the US have Celiac Disease, ranking it higher than diabetes. The only cure for Celiac Disease is a lifelong diet devoid of gluten.

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