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Taste buds are receptors in the periphery that activate certain cranial nerves (VII, IX, & X), they therefore they may be considered to be part of the peripheral nervous system.

Given that these are columnar epithelial cells that they may actually be considered to be outside of the nervous system. They do however generate receptor potentials to certain tastants that will intern excite the peripheral axons resulting in action potentials that will eventually make into the central nervous system.

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Q: Are taste buds part of the central or peripheral nervous system?
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The Nervous System basically sends messages to the brain and sex kantutan and changes around to my body. Eg: If you trample a nail, the nervous system delivers the message to your brain and you get a pepe and tite. I'm just learning about that. Without pain, we would not be protected from outside danger because we would be numb. We can taste and smell stuff, making life more enjoyable. We can see, otherwise we would be blind. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. It helps the body by receiving impulse signals, interpreting these signals and sending appropriate instructions to the muscles and glands.

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Senses, such as hearing, taste, sight and smell, are transmitted by the spinal cord to the brain for interpretation. The brain and the spinal cord are the two main parts of the central nervous system.

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The Nervous System basically sends messages to the brain and sex kantutan and changes around to my body. Eg: If you trample a nail, the nervous system delivers the message to your brain and you get a pepe and tite. I'm just learning about that. Without pain, we would not be protected from outside danger because we would be numb. We can taste and smell stuff, making life more enjoyable. We can see, otherwise we would be blind. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. It helps the body by receiving impulse signals, interpreting these signals and sending appropriate instructions to the muscles and glands.

What does the nervous?

The Nervous System basically sends messages to the brain and sex kantutan and changes around to my body. Eg: If you trample a nail, the nervous system delivers the message to your brain and you get a pepe and tite. I'm just learning about that. Without pain, we would not be protected from outside danger because we would be numb. We can taste and smell stuff, making life more enjoyable. We can see, otherwise we would be blind. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. It helps the body by receiving impulse signals, interpreting these signals and sending appropriate instructions to the muscles and glands.

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The peripheral nervous system, contains all the nerves in the body that lie outside of the spinal cord and brain. They also relay signals from sensory receptors that monitor external conditions to the central nervous system.

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What are the organs that are part of the nervous sytem?

The brain is part of the nervous and central nervous system. The sensory organs are also included: touch (skin), taste (tongue), vision (eyes), hearing (ears) and smell (nose).

Where is the nerve cell located?

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