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Stitches are normally removed after 10 days, but sometimes earlier on their own. If you think they came out earlier than they should have, consider whether you did anything that could have caused them to do so, like strenuous activity or sport. If so, refrain from any other activities of the kind for four or five days. If it is bleeding, you can cover it with a bandage; if the wound has reopened, you need to go see a doctor. If neither, it will be fine.

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Q: Are stitches supposed to come out by the second week?
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what is stitches?

Stitches are a common medical procedure used to close wounds and cuts. They involve using a needle and thread to sew the edges of the wound together, which helps the skin heal and prevents infection. There are several types of stitches, including running stitches, lock stitches, and interrupted stitches. The type of stitch used will depend on the location and severity of the wound. After the stitches are placed, they usually need to be kept clean and dry for about a week. Then, the stitches are typically removed by a medical professional.