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Frogs have a skeleton made mostly of bone with some piecesmade ofcartilage.

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Q: Are reptiles skeletons made of bone or cartilage?
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What are the skeletons of vertebrates made of?

cartilage or bone

Do frogs have a skeleton made of hard bone or cartilage?

Amphibians are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. The skeletal system is mostly made up of bone, but also contains some smaller portions of cartilage. Not all vertebrates have bone skeletons, Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays etc.) have skeletons made up entirely of cartilage. Amphibians however do not.

Do reptiles have a back bone made of cartilage?

No. Reptiles are vertebrates, and therefore have a spinal column made of bone.

What is a Amphibian skeleton made of?

Amphibian skeletons are made of bone and cartilage.

What is the skeleton of a jaw less fish made of?

The skeleton of jawless fish, such as lampreys and hagfish, is primarily made of cartilage rather than bone. Cartilage is a flexible and lightweight tissue that provides structure and support to these fish without the need for heavy bones.

Are sharks amphibians mammals or reptiles?

Sharks are not amphibians, mammals, or reptiles. They are a type of fish known as cartilaginous fish, as their skeletons are made of cartilage instead of bone.

Do chondrichthyes have bones?

No, chondrichthyes are fish that have skeletons made out of cartilage instead of bone.

The skeletons of lampreys and hagfishes are made of?

The skeletons of lampreys and hagfishes are made of cartilage rather than bone. This cartilaginous skeleton provides structure and support to their bodies without the need for true bones.

What are fish skeletons made of - bone and cartiladge?

Sharks, rays and ratfish have cartilage but its not sharks. Boney fish (like their name suggests) have bone in the mix - but they still have a lot of cartilage.

Do Sharks have an exoskeleton?

No. The "bones" of a shark are not really bones at all. They are made of cartilage. Cartilage is found in a human's ears and nose.

Why are cartilaginous fish called cartilaginous fish?

Cartilaginous fish, also known as elasmobranchi, have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. Bony fish, also known as teleosts, have skeletons made of bone.

What are rays skeletons made of?
