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No, the term "red-green colorblindness" means that you cannot tell the difference between red and green. There are several different types of colorblindness; red-green colorblindness is the most common kind. For example, another kind is blue-yellow colorblindness, where a person cannot tell the difference between blue and yellow. All types of colorblindness are much more common in men.

See the Related Link below for the Wikipedia entry on colorblindness.

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Q: Are red and green the only colors you can't see while colorblind?
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What does ''Colorblind'' mean?

Being colorblind means having a reduced ability to see certain colors or distinguish between them. This can be due to a deficiency in the cones of the eye that detect color. People who are colorblind may have difficulty differentiating between certain colors, like red and green.

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we cant blue by mixing of colors. b'coz red,blue and green are primary colors.u can obtain many secondary colors my diff combination of primary colors

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Dogs have dichromatic vision, meaning they have two types of color receptors (blue and yellow/green) compared to humans, who have three types (red, green, and blue). They see the world in shades of blue and yellow, lack red and green color vision, and have better vision in low light conditions.

Why cant women be color blind?

Women can be colour blind.AnswerI am a woman who is red--green colorblind. The trait is carried on the X chromosome. Males receive an X chromosome from their mother and a Y from their father. If the X carries the trait of colorblindness, the male will be colorblind. Females need to receive two defective X chromosomes to be colorblind, one from their father and one from their mother. If a women has only one defective X chromosome, she will be a carrier of the trait. My father was red-green colorblind and so was my mother's father, making my mother a carrier of the trait, although she is not colorblind herself. I have two sisters who are not colorblind, as they each received a non-defective X chromosome from my mother. I knew before my son was born that he would be red-green colorblind, as the X chromosome he received from me carried the trait.

Which term indicate the inability to distinguish between colors such as red and green?

its color defiency :) color blindness is when u cant see any colors and it is very rare.

What color can you mix with green to get purple?

You can mix red with green to create purple. Red and green are complementary colors on the color wheel, and mixing them together will produce a shade of purple.

Why cant dogs see green?

There are certain colors that dogs can see. Their cones and rods are like ours but there are some difference in them. They have certain hues that are not visible

How do you get green dot sight on Black Ops?

you cant you can only get the colors it gives you once you level up or maybe try a way to hack or somtin

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colors that you cant mix

What is the possible outcome of color blindness?

Hi...Well with my research i have compiled together tht colorblindness is a rare condition in male female and animals too. Color blindness has some effects on seeing colors almost everywhere. In some cases colorblind people cant see some colors or all colors. Colorblindness doesn't really effect you because you jst won't be able to see people in their true colors. But who cares unless your racist right.Love, Bubbles

What two colours make green when you mix them?

To make the color Green, mix together Blue and Yellow.

Can flounder see ultraviolet colors?

No, flounders cannot see ultraviolet colors. Flounders have limited color vision and are typically sensitive to blue and green wavelengths of light. Ultraviolet light is outside the range of colors that flounders can perceive.