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Q: Are prophages present when the virus is in lysogeny?
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What is lysogeny?

Lysogeny is a process in which a bacteriophage (virus that infects bacteria) inserts its genetic material into the host bacterium's genome, becoming a prophage. The viral DNA is then replicated along with the bacterial DNA as the host cell divides, remaining dormant until triggered to initiate the lytic cycle and produce new phage particles. This allows the virus to persist in the bacterial population without causing immediate harm.

What is it called when a virus hides for a while as part of bacterial chromosome?

This process is known as lysogeny, where a virus integrates its genetic material into the chromosome of its host bacterium and remains dormant until conditions are favorable for reactivation.

How are prophages and bacterial plasmids similar?

Prophages and bacterial plasmids are both genetic elements found in bacteria. They can replicate independently from the bacterial chromosome and confer certain traits to the bacterial host, such as antibiotic resistance. Additionally, both prophages and plasmids can integrate into the bacterial chromosome and be vertically inherited during cell division.

A brife history of computer virus from 1950-present?

A Brief history of computer virus from 1950 to present

What is the purpose of virus scan?

It Detects if any virus present in computer.

An infection in which DNA of a virus is embedded into a host cell and replicates with host DNA is called what?

This process is called lysogeny, and the host cell is referred to as a lysogenic cell. The integrated viral DNA is known as a prophage.

What is the difference between lyric cycle and lysogenic?

A lyric cycle refers to the process by which a virus infects a host cell, replicates inside the cell, and then bursts out to infect more cells. Lysogeny, on the other hand, is when a virus incorporates its genetic material into the host cell's DNA and remains dormant until conditions are favorable for it to enter the lytic cycle.

CAn tears saliva and sweat transfer HIV?

There is not enough of the virus present in those body fluids to cause transmission of the virus.

What is the virus eco mavro?

There does not appear to be a virus by the name of Eco mavro. Assuming that you mean ECHO virus, it is a type of RNA virus that is present in the gastrointestinal tract.

Antigens are typically present on what?

Antigens are typically present on any cell, bacterium, or virus.

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No. The rabies virus is not present in Australia.

What is present in Unix to protect it from viruses?

Unix uses anti-virus programs the same way other systems do; there is nothing present in the system to protect it from virus programs.