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Of course they are! They aren't some strange animal, demented human or an alien for goodness sakes!!

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No it is not that dangerous.

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Q: Are people with bipolar safe to live with?
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Is it safe for a bipolar person on medications Klonopin neurontin and lithium to be with children?

There should be no problem at all, I would only be concerned if the bipolar person took no medication.However, totally independent of bipolar or no bipolar there are of course people that are not safe with children. But the statistical chance of this is no different between those with mental illnesses and those without.

Is it safe for children to live with a bipolar parent?

it depends on if the parent is taking medication. my aunt is bipolar and she hits my cousin all the time. she knows pressure points and it wont leave marks. :(

Is Edward bipolar?

Cullen! and no he's not bipolar he just wants Bella to be safe.

Can bipolar people have psychoses If so why?

People with bipolar can have psychoses. They can have man of thoughts and feelings.

Where do people live in the mountains?

people live in the mountains because feel far away and safe from people

Is it bipolar disease or bipolar disorder?

The correct term is bipolar disorder. Some people call it a disease though.

Is Edward Collin bipolar?

There is no evidence to suggest that Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga is bipolar. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition that should be diagnosed by a qualified healthcare professional.

How long do people with bipolar disorder live?

Obviously depending on the seriousness of there BiPolar Case. But anyone with BiPolar can live just as long as someone who doesn't have it. some people take medicine for it or go to counselling. But BiPolar itself can;t kill you. the only way someone with BiPolar couldn't live as long as someone else. is if they killed themselves. there just like everyone else. just with bigger mood swings. and on the plus side many actors, artists have BiPolar because people with the illness are usually extremley creative and have a better understanding of the meaning of life. i know it sounds crzy but it's true. many BiPolar sufferers usually undersatnd the side of life other people don't. that's another reason they make great actors because of there understanding and imagination. A director once said. you don't need to be gay or Jewish be in this buisness you just need to be BiPolar.....

What is a good discussion room for bipolar disorder?

there is a web site: and they have a lot of information about bipolar and there is a link to a chat room for bipolar people and their families or support people.

Is drama associated with bipolar disease?

Yes. People with bipolar disorder are very reactionary.

What can people do to be safe from the effects of an water erosions?

they can be safe by trying not live close to a river or ocean

Can bipolar people adopt?
