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Q: Are muscle strains are characterized by myalgia or fibromyositis?
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Term meaning muscle pain?

Myalgia is the same as muscle pain. Myalgia is the medical term for muscle pain.

Is myalgia a surgical procedure?

Myalgia means "Muscle pain". So no, it is not a surgical procedure.

What are symptoms for myalgia?

muscle pain

What Diseases end in in the suffix -algia?

Fibro myalgia. My/o is the combining form meaning muscle. -Algia means pain. Myalgia equals muscle pain.

What condition has severe muscle pain after a fall?


What is a disorder where your muscles grow weaker over time?

The disorder is known as " Myalgia" in which there is weakening of the myofibrills present in the muscles. They start degenerating due to various causes related to immune system or may be a general muscle loss. The possible causes of myalgia is loss of the myofibrils or the elemental constituent of the muscle. There is another disorder known as myopathy which is characterized by destruction of muscle fibers by own body immune mechanism, In order to tackle myalgia, you can add chole-calciferol to your diet and lessen the consumption of carbs in your daily diet

What causes and what is Myalgia?

I think the term you are thinking of is FIBROMYALGIA, a very painful and chronic condition. If you do a google search for fibromyalgia you'll get a million hits or more. Phil

What is myalgia nos?

Myalgia NOS stands for myalgia not otherwise specified and is a general term used to describe muscle pain that does not have a specific cause identified. It is often a symptom of an underlying condition such as injury, infection, or overuse of a muscle. Treatment typically focuses on managing the pain and addressing any underlying causes.

What are two medical term meaning muscle pain?

Fibromyalgia or just myalgia.

What are symptoms of strains?

Strains can range from mild muscle stiffness to great soreness.

What is the root word of myalgia?

my(o) is the rootword and algia is the suffix. Myalgia means muscle pain. - No. The root is alg-, meaning pain, distress. My(o)- is a prefix meaning muscle. The main element of a compound word contains the root, which may be modified by affixes.

What is the combining form muscle?
