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Actually, no. Women are more quickly affected by alcohol than men, and the progression of their Alcoholism tends to be faster. They often reach the blackout stage well before a male would, due to the way they metabolize alcohol -- much less efficiently than males.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

At the same level of absolute consumption of alcohol, women are more likely to experience a blackout.

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Q: Are men or women more likely to blackout do to alcohol?
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A blackout is more likely to be experienced when?

A blackout is more likely to be experienced when someone drinks too much alcohol very quickly. A blackout is a period of total memory loss. Women are prone to this than men.

Blackout is more likely to be experienced by men?

Nope. Women as well. More likely with women because, technically, they cannot handle as much alcohol as Men. Women metabolize alcohol slower than Men. I guess it really comes down to how much is drank but if both drank the same, a woman would blackout first (unless the man was not used to alcohol because he didn't really drink).

Is a blackout more likely to be experienced by women?

I'm not sure.

Who experiences a blackout more often?

Drinkers who consume alcohol rapidly on an empty stomach, thus experiencing a rapid and high BAC, are more likely to have a blackout.

Are blackouts experienced more by men?

Women drinkers are more likely to experience a blackout than are men

Are blackouts more likely to be experienced by men?

No, women are more likely experience blackout than men.

Why do some people blackout and others do not?

Blackouts can occur when a person's blood alcohol level rises rapidly, impairing the brain's ability to form new memories. Factors such as the rate of alcohol consumption, tolerance levels, genetics, and overall health can influence whether someone experiences a blackout or not. Individuals who drink at a faster pace or have a lower tolerance for alcohol are more likely to blackout.

When you don't know where you are is this a stroke?

That is a possible, but highly unlikely cause. More likely, you have either had an alcohol-blackout, you passed out somewhere and just woke up, or you have gotten to an area you are unfamiliar with.

Blackout more likely to be experienced when drinking quickly?

Yes but other factors determine how fast your body can filter the bloodstream like weight, stomach contents,tolerance,gender, lack of sleep,type of alcohol,etc. But yes it will overwhelm your body faster which causes blackout.

When do you blackout from drinking?

When you feel much more than you're going to throw up. You feel far worse than that. Your sight starts to dim rapidly, you start to lose focus on just about everything. Your blood-alcohol level is far too high for your body to safely take.

Who is more affected by alcohol men or women?

Women are generally affected more by the same quanity of alcohol consumed in the same period of time.

Blackouts and alcohol?

When the body has too much alcohol in it's system it tries to get ride of it. First you'll probably vomit whatever alcohol you have in your stomache to reduce the level of alcohol going into the bloodstream. The last resort if passing out. When the levels of alcohol in your body because so high, your brain tells the body to somewhat go unconscious so that you can't drink any more alcohol.