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Q: Are lupus and localized morphea related?
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What is the most common form of localized scleroderma?

Morphea-- The most common form of localized scleroderma.

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Is lupus related to stuttering?

No; lupus and stuttering are not related. You can find good information on stuttering on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation. You can find information on lupus from the National Arthritis Foundation.

Is lupus widespread or merely localized effects in the body?

Lupus can be wide spread, but most medication stops it from doing so. Most Lupus cases have deterioration of the kidney and bladder functions. But, I am not a doctor. Please refer to a rheumatologist.

Lupus and tuburculosis?

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. Tuberculosis is an infection. People with lupus often take immunosuppressive medications that may make them more vulnerable to tuberculosis, but the two are not related.

Can you be a carrier of lupus?

Lupus is not directly hereditary, however predisposition to developing autoimmunity is more likely in people who are related. Lupus is not contagious. For these two reasons, a person cannot be a lupus carrier. A person can be genetically predisposed to develop lupus but the disease may never develop.

What is Drug-induced or drug-related lupus erythematosus?

This term refers to lupus that develops after a patient has taken a medication. Medications that can trigger drug-induced lupus include procainamide or hydralazine

How rare is morphea?

1 ouut of 40,000 people get it (25 out of 1,000,000)

Who discovered Morphea?

Morphea is a skin condition that was not discovered by a single individual. It has been known and described for many years by various dermatologists and physicians. The first detailed clinical descriptions were made in the late 19th century.

Do patients recover from lupus?

The vast majority of people with lupus live a relatively normal life span. People with lupus die of "lupus related complications", the top 3 being organ failure, heart attacks and strokes, and uncontrolled infection. Lupus is not listed as the cause of death, but the complication is.

Is lupus a generation disease?

Science has identified some genes that appear to be related to the inheritance of lupus and autoimmunity. Having these genes only predisposes the patient to the disease however, it does not mean the patient will ever get lupus.

What two of these organisms are most closely related Canis familiaris Mephitis mephitis Canis lupus Panthera pardus?

Canis familiaris (domestic dog) is most closely related to Canis lupus (wolf).