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Involuntary muscles (such as the heart, the sphincters, etc.) are traditionally smooth muscle.

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Q: Are involuntary muscles smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?
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Is the smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?

Smooth muscles are involuntary, as are cardiac muscles. Only skeletal muscles are voluntary.

Which type of muscle are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are involuntary.

Are cardiac muscles and smooth muscles involuntary or voluntary muscles?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

Cardiac muscles and smooth muscles are both voluntary or involuntary muscles?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

Do cardiac muscles and smooth muscles both are voluntary or involuntary?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

Which types of muscles are involuntary?

Of the three types of muscle, the two that are involuntary are cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

What are some different types of muscles?

There are three muscle types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Skeletal and cardiac are both striated muscle, whereas smooth muscle is not.

What kind of muscles are there besides the skeletal muscle?

There is also cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. They are both involuntary muscles.

Give examples of three types of muscles?

Skeletal muscle: Found attached to bones and responsible for voluntary movement. Cardiac muscle: Found in the heart and responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. Smooth muscle: Found in the walls of internal organs and blood vessels, responsible for involuntary movements like peristalsis.

Is the calf a smooth muscle?

No, the calf muscle is skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is found in organs like the stomach and intestines that are involved in involuntary movements, whereas skeletal muscles like the calf muscle are attached to bones and are responsible for voluntary movement.

Is the skeletal muscle a smooth muscle?

no skeletal muscles are voluntary smooth muscles are not

Are skeletal muscles voluntary muscles?

Yes, skeletal muscles are voluntary, meaning they can be intentionally controlled. This distinguishes them from the cardiac muscle (heart) and smooth muscles, which are involuntary.