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Q: Are groups of skeletal muscle connected to each other thrrough intercalated discs?
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Related questions

Do skeletal muscles work in groups?


What are the two groups of the skeletal system?

Axial and appendicular

How muscle are connected to the bone?

Only skeletal muscles are connected to bones. They don't attach directly to the bones, but are attached by tendons that emerge at the ends of the muscle groups or individual muscles. Smooth muscles are organ muscles, and cardiac muscle is specialized conductive muscle of the heart. Answer courtesy of gallop

Is skeletal muscle found in the heart?

no. skeletal muscle is found in large groups of muscles like the arms and legs. your heart is a cardiovascular muscle

What are 3 voluntary muscles?

Most of the muscles (or mucle groups) that you know are voluntary or skeletal muscles. Biceps, triceps, quadriceps, abdominals, pectoralis, latissimus dorsi, sartorius, etc. are all skeletal muscles, or muscle groups.

The liver can supply the skeletal muscles with energy in the form of free glucose but the skeletal muscles cannot supply the liver with energy in the form of free glucose?

No. Unlike skeletal muscles, the liver contains an enzyme known as glucose 6-phosphatase that can remove the phosphate groups and produce free glucose.

What is name of complex groups of organisms that are connected and interact with one another?


What is the name of complex groups of organism that are connected and interact with one another?


How many muscle groups in human body?

3 sorry just building on what you said they are the skeletal muscles smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.

What differences in skeletons can be found among racial groups?

There are variations in skeletal features such as skull shape, facial structure, and limb proportions among racial groups. For example, people of African descent often have more robust bones and a wider nasal aperture compared to people of European descent. These differences in skeletal features are influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

How can you prevent skeletal injuries?

Cheerleading can be very dangerous. To prevent skeletal injuries, you have to stay focused and not talk while you are in your stunt groups because you could have a miss-communication and everyone in the stunt group could do something different. And that would result in an injured flyer.

What was Hiawathas major accomplishment?

he connected the five groups oh indians into one big group, the iroquois