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1. Gold eyes are different, they are their own colour like blue is different to grey.

2. Gold eyes = amber eyes.

3. Hazel eyes consist of lots of flecks and colours.

4. Brown eyes are solid.

5. Gold eyes are only gold and orange mixed together to make the colour. Or they have the "olive" amber in them as well.

6. Amber (gold) eyes are extremely rare where as brown and hazel are very common.

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Q: Are gold eyes brown or hazel?
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What colors are in hazel eyes?

i have hazel eyes and there green and gold but other peoples eyes can be blue and brown/gold . :) A.M.G.- i have hazel eyes and mine are mostly green and blue with a VERY small amout of brown near the pupil, however from far away most people consider them brown. moral of the story: hazel contains several colors but often noted as an off brown of some sort.

My eyes are not dark brown at all. They are lighter than light brown but they arent hazel. Are my eyes very light brown or is it counted as being hazel eyes?

It sounds like your eyes would be considered very light brown rather than hazel. Hazel eyes typically have a blend of brown and green or gold tones, while very light brown eyes would be predominantly brown with a lighter hue.

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Try using a warm brown or plum eyeliner to complement hazel eyes, brown hair, and fair skin. These colors will enhance the green and gold undertones in hazel eyes while still providing a subtle contrast against brown hair and fair skin.

How do you know if your eyes are hazel or brown?

Hazel eyes typically have a combination of brown and green tones, while brown eyes are a solid shade of brown. To determine if your eyes are hazel or brown, look in the mirror under natural lighting. If you see distinct hints of green mixed in with the brown, then your eyes are likely hazel.

What Color Are David Beckham's Eyes?

light or medium brown. but he dies it sometimes so it looks dirty blonde.

What color hair does hazel eyes look good with?

Hazel eyes can look good with a variety of hair colors, but warmer tones like rich browns, auburn, or golden blonde can enhance the green and gold flecks in hazel eyes. Cool tones like ash blonde or jet black can also provide a striking contrast to hazel eyes. Ultimately, the best hair color for hazel eyes will depend on individual preferences and overall skin tone.

What do you call brown green eyes?

Brown green eyes are often referred to as hazel eyes, which are characterized by a mixture of brown and green pigments in the iris.

Can Parents that have hazel eyes have a daughter with brown eyes?

Yes. Often hazel eyes are brown eyes with green coloring in them.

What would be a good metaphor for hazel eyes?

His eyes were a tranquil green pool, flecked with brown and gold in the sunlight

What would be a good metaphor or simile to hazel eyes?

His eyes were a tranquil green pool, flecked with brown and gold in the sunlight (metaphor) or Her eyes were hazel like emeralds burried in dirty (simile)

What color are the Jonas brothers eyes?

Kevin's eyes are hazel. Joe's eyes are also hazel. And Nick's eyes are brown.

Are my eyes dark brown or dark hazel because in bright lighting my eyes look dark brown with specks of dark hazel?

Your eyes color are dark hazel