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I can say that fossils are bone

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Q: Are fossils rock or bone
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Related questions

Which rock contains bone pieces in it?

Fossils contain compressed animal remains.

Is fossils found in rock stone?

no, it's a bone from something along time ago so it might be in a rock.

Are there any fossils in wave rock?

yes there are fossils in wave rock

What type of rock do you fine fossils?

fossils are fine in metamorphic rock

Why do rock fossils form in sedimentary rock and not in igneous rock-?

Fossils are formed in sedimentary rock because the rock is formed at temperatures that do not destroy the fossils like the igneous rocks would.

Type of rock in which most fossils are found?

Sedimentary rock is where we look for fossils.

How were dinosaur fossils created?

Fossils in general are created when a bone or an organic object in general lays to rest on a wet surface of some kind like mud. Over time as more sediment covers it it makes an impression in the mud creating an imprint in the sedimentary rock. And the bone merges with the rock as it crystallizes. replacing all organic elements on the outside with sedimentary crystals.

What are marine fossils?

Marine fossils are the remains or impressions of ancient marine organisms preserved in rocks or sediments. These fossils provide valuable insights into the history of life in the oceans and help scientists understand environmental conditions in the past. Common marine fossils include shells, corals, and ammonites.

What is the term for the remains for the remains of things found in a rock?


How are footprints fossils different from bone fossils?

Yes, preserved footprints are examples of fossils.

What rock are most marine animal fossils in?

The most marine fossils are found in sedimentary rock

The kind of rock that you are most likely to find in fossils?

Fossils are most likely to be found in sedimentary rock.