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Yes. Entrails is just another word for animal or human intestines, although in many contexts, it refers to exposed intestines.

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Q: Are entrails same as intestines
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Related questions

What is the antonym of entrails?

This is a particular word for intestines. Neither entrails, nor intestines, has an antonym.

What are entrails?

guts or intestines

What does entralis means in The Hunger Games?

Intestines, sort of. "Entrails" is another word for "intestines".

Which is heavier a pigs head or a pigs entrails?

A pig's head is typically heavier than its entrails due to the presence of dense bone structures such as the skull and jaw. Entrails, on the other hand, consist mainly of softer tissues like intestines and organs which are lighter in weight.

What does entrails mean in the Hunger Games?

It means the internal parts of animal bodies, especially the intestines.

What are synonyms for gut?

paunch, belly, intestines, stomach, insides, innards, entrails courage, nerve, daring, pluck, backbone, audacity

What are umbles?

Umbles are the entrails of a deer, sometimes it is entrails in general. They are the entrails and coarser parts of a deer.

Are entrails and guts synonyms or antonyms?

They are synonyms, because they are different words for the same thing.

What does entrails mean in the hunger games book?

Entrails like animal meat. Katniss gets entrails from the animals she kills

When was Demon Entrails created?

Demon Entrails was created in 1983.

When was From the Entrails to the Dirt created?

From the Entrails to the Dirt was created in 2005.

Is innards a word?

Yes, "innards" is a word. It refers to the internal organs of a human or animal, specifically the intestines or entrails.