Ear drops can be safe and effective for removing ear wax, as long as they are used according to the directions on the package. It is important to use only drops specifically designed for ear wax removal and to avoid using any other substances, such as hydrogen peroxide or olive oil, without consulting a healthcare professional. If you have any concerns about using ear drops to remove ear wax, it is best to consult with a doctor or an ear, nose, and throat specialist for guidance.
Ear Suction is the safest and most comfortable method of ear wax removal throughout
Auckland; no liquids are used during the procedure which means that there is no mess during the
procedure. Hearing Aid Batteries in Auckland, The fact that we can clearly see the ear canal and more
importantly exactly what we are doing makes it an exceptionally safe procedure.
yes, it is safe to use peroxide. but in my opinion i wouldn't use it if you have an ear infection.
If you use overdose ear drops for an acute ear infection you must consult your doctor
yes ...my vet says it is fine as long as there is no broken skin in the ear
If it does not state ear usage indication on the leaflet, it's best not to use it for that use. Safer to buy Otex ear drops instead, which are made for ears.
no, this wouldn't be smart because you need to get swimmers ear treated right away, use ear drops
It is not recommended to use ear drops designed for humans on animals, it is much safer to purchase ear drops from a veterinarian as you could do damage.
You should not put ciprofloxacin eye drops into the ear. It is important to use the medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider. If you have an ear infection, consult a healthcare professional for proper ear drops.
No, you should not use Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Ophthalmic drops in your ear. You should use Ciprofloxacin ear drops which are made for the ears.
yes u can use drop of which contain neomycin & which is reduce ur inflamation
buy some drops in the local chemish or use parocetamol
well its bad are medicen is not the dogs
You are correct to not want to use a Q-tip or your finger to try to remove ear wax build up other than on the outside parts of your ear. If you put things inside your ear, you can compact the wax and make it even harder to remove or push it against your ear drum which can cause damage to hearing. Q-tips can leave fibers in your ear that will make the wax also harder to remove. To properly remove wax build up from inside your ear, there are drops that you can put in your ear that help to soften and allow the wax to be irrigated to be removed. These kits are available at pharmacies, follow the directions on the package very carefully. If use of these does not remedy the problem, you may need to see a doctor for a professional ear irrigation.Do not "over clean" your ear canals. The wax is there for a purpose, and if you remove the normal amounts too frequently, you can leave yourself prone to ear infections. If the wax is not compacted and needing drops to clean it from your ears, clean only your external ears and let your body do the rest in its normal processes that keep your ears healthy.