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They can be either

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Q: Are cramps a pregnecy or period symptoms?
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Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

Can you get your perid?

If you are a female, you can get your period or menstrual cycle. Some of the symptoms of getting your period include: cramps, bloating, and mood swings.

Can you take a pregnecy test if your on your period?

yea it wont really make a difference

Can you still have a period if you didn't experience the symptoms like cramps?

Sometimes we are lucky enough to get a period and not have the bloating and cramping associated with it. If you are bleeding and it's time for you to have your period then it is your period.

Does your period suppost to make you tired?

Most of the time you get headaches or cramps but it likely that your period could make you tired, everybody has different symptoms, some people might not even have symptoms.

Im getting pregnancy symptoms like nausea and period cramps when I dont get a period and I had this before but have implanon Is it possible?

Yes, take a test

What if you aren't experiencing your usual cramps the day before a period?

idk you experience very symptoms like IDKJ

What are the symptoms when you period is coming?

Cramps. All over your body. You ache in pain for 28 days. You bleed, and cry.

Is it normal to have bad cramps the first day of your period?

Yes, some women have cramps more severely than others. It's often recommended to use menstrual medication such as Midol to help with all the symptoms of your period.

Could you be pregnant if you had symptoms cramps light bleeding occured at time of late period?

You could me aunt was that way when she had her twins.

What does it mean if you get PMS?

Pre Menstural Syndrome... its when a girl has her period and has HORRIBLE symptoms, like cramps and other stuff like that...

What does it means if you have your period but no cramps?

Many women do not have cramps with their period and most women don't have cramps after childbirth.