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Being cruel to animals is not a characteristic associated with people with Asperger's Syndrome. Often, people with AS are more comfortable with animals than with people. They can be very concerned about the welfare of animals.

Cruelty to animals is a trait associated with antisocial personality disorder (i.e. psychopathy and sociopathy) or attachment disorder.

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Q: Are children with Asperger's Syndrome likely to be cruel to animals?
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Where do you go if you have Aspergers?

You can't get rid of AS, you are born with it and there is no cure :(

Can you take a test online for Asperger's Syndrome?

yes there are many tests for aspergers . there is one problem . getting a good score in a test does not mean you have aspergers . if you want to make sure that you have aspergers and you get a high score i suggest you sign up for a diagnosis . if you dont get a high aspie score its not likely you have aspergers and you shouldn't bother much . what a test says is not always true You could take an online test to give yourself an idea whether you could have Asperger syndrome, but to know for sure you would need to see a properly qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, for a thorough assessment.

Is it likely for someone to have aspergers?

Nope. In 2012 a recent article states that 1 in 86 children will be autistic. In general 1 in 10,000 people overall will have aspergers. Due to the data above, I would say that the ratio I listed is lower than 10,000 now.

What are facts about Asperger's syndrome?

1.Aspergers was found and named after Hans Asperger,2. People with Aspergers are called "Aspies",3. Aspies are often more intelligent than the general population,4. People with aspergers often have terrific memorys. 5.Aspies are very logical,6.Boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with aspergers,7. Aspergers is on the autism spectrum,8.Aspies are often literal minded and may not understand jokes, sarcasm, idioms, metathors etc,9. It is estimated that 1 in 250 people have aspergers.10. Aspies often have special intrests and obsessions that they enjoy leanring about.

Can you join the police if you have Aspergers?

In order to enter the police force, a person must pass both psychological and physical reviews. I would not say it could never be done, but it would not be likely. Most people with Aspergers Syndrome tend to have some issues with speech and social interaction. These would both count against a possible officer candidate.

Can you inherit Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?

While Alice in Wonderland Syndrome appears to have some genetic predisposition (as children of sufferers are more likely to suffer as well), it is not always passed to children through their parents.

What is the prognosis for Sotos syndrome?

With appropriate treatment, management, and encouragement, children with Sotos syndrome can do well. Adults with Sotos syndrome are likely to be within the normal range for height and intellect. Sotos syndrome is not associated with a shortened life span.

Can you join the police if you have Asperger's syndrome?

In order to enter the police force, a person must pass both psychological and physical reviews. I would not say it could never be done, but it would not be likely. Most people with Aspergers Syndrome tend to have some issues with speech and social interaction. These would both count against a possible officer candidate.

Why is it believed that Asperger's Syndrome is hereditary?

Asperger's Syndrome is believed to be hereditary because it tends to run in families. Research has shown a strong genetic component, with individuals more likely to develop the condition if they have a family history of autism spectrum disorders. Studies of twins also support a genetic influence on Asperger's Syndrome.

Is servant syndrome dominant or recessive?

There is no servant syndrome, It is likely that you are thinking albeit with bad spelling of Savant Syndrome. and it is recessive

What animals eat their children?

The animal that is most likely to eat its young is a alligator (if it had nothing else to eat)

Is Aspergers a sex linked syndrom?

No, but in one study boys with aspergers outnumber girls 4 to 1 where as another study read that boys may outnumber girls by 10 to 1. I am a female Aspie and there is strong evidence showing that aspergers is caused within the genes, more likely on the father's side but it can happen on the mother's side as well.