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To be honest, I don't think it is advised to give animals chocolote. Wouldn't want something nasty to happen. I mean I'm guessing you're a human, you wouldn't want to eat cat food would you? So to prevent your cat from getting sick, don't give them chocolate.

Or for more information ask your local vet.

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Q: Are cats allergic to chocolate
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Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!

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Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both. Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both.

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Yes, if you are not allergic to chocolate.

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It could if you have an allergic reaction to chocolate, and a possibility of an allergic reaction to chocolate would be developing acne. No

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Different people's bodies are just allergic to different things. It is not something that you can control, and some people turn out to be allergic to chocolate.

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Its really not reccommended to live with cats if you're allergic to them, and have asthma. Although, it just really depends how allergic you are to them.

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No. There are many causes for hives, so you can get them if you are not allergic to cats. However, you would not get them from a cat if you're not allergic.

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