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Q: Are breathing problems and anorexia related?
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What is the diagnosis for respiratory problems related to anorexia?

Anorexia can cause some respritory problems. A person with anorexia tends to have a weaker immune system, making them more prone to infection and viruses (cold, flu, bacteria, ect.). This can cause inflamation and even possibly permanent damage to the respritory system. Increased stress on the body can also weaken the lungs. Anorexia can also worsen pre-existing conditions.

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Can animals get anorexia?

Anorexia (the lack of appetite) they can get. But not Anorexia nervosa.

Why is it important to eat food?

As it causes many health problems such as; Death Anorexia, Liver problems, Heart Problems, Kidney Problems. an other injuries. Liz. As it causes many health problems such as; Death Anorexia, Liver problems, Heart Problems, Kidney Problems. an other injuries. Liz.

Why is food important to eat?

As it causes many health problems such as; Death Anorexia, Liver problems, Heart Problems, Kidney Problems. an other injuries. Liz. As it causes many health problems such as; Death Anorexia, Liver problems, Heart Problems, Kidney Problems. an other injuries. Liz.

Is it bad to be anarecsic?

Anorexia can cause serious health problems such as starvation. Anorexia also destroys your hair and nails.

Can plethora be associated with anorexia nervosa?

I do not think it can be associated with anorexia nervosa, but I think it can be related with bulimia nervosa

What are the long term effects for anorexia?

Anorexia in the long-term, if not treated properly, can be fatal. The health concerns of anorexia - even if an individual is treated and recovered - can include life-long problems associated with anemia, osteoporosis/brittle bones, and heart problems.

Does a personality disorder cause anorexia?

Not in and of itself, but personality or other mental problems can add in to case eating disroders like anorexia.

Can airbag deployment cause long term breathing problems?

probably not unless you already have breathing problems

What health concern related to anorexia was discussed in class as potentially leading to irreversible damage?

Osteoporosis is irreversible in people with anorexia. Other health conditions resulting from anorexia are generally reversible.