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Q: Are all the baby tooth is replaced by permanent tooth?
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How many decidious teeth does an adult have?

A diciduous tooth is also known as a baby tooth or primary tooth. In normal development, all diciduous teeth are lost and replaced by permanent teeth by adulthood. However, if a permanent or adult tooth fails to develop or erupt in the correct location, a diciduous tooth can remain throughout adulthood.

Which baby teeth can grow back?

All baby teeth are deciduous (they fall out) and do not grow back. However, after they fall out, they are typically replaced by the permanent "adult" teeth. Sometimes, though, the baby teeth don't fall out. And sometimes, the adult teeth don't grow in. But "normally" a child will lose all their teeth and they will be replaced by their permanent teeth.

Can molar tooth grow back?

IF you are a child the second molar tooth will be replaced by a permanent tooth called the second premolar. HOWEVER IF what you lost is a permanent second molar , it will not be replaced, the loss is permanent as in the case of all permanent teeth whether they are molars premolars, canine or incisors.

What should you do about your 3 years old sons decaying tooth he broke it about 2 years ago on the bathtub and it recently turned dark a knot formed on his gums above the tooth?

Your son has an abscess( infection). You need to get him to a dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth can be saved, the dentist will perform a procedure called a pulpotomy and a crown will be placed on the tooth. You should save this tooth if at all possible. Your son needs this tooth until he is about 6 or 7 years old when it will be replaced by a permanent adult tooth. Besides needing it to chew and for appearances, this tooth holds a place open for the permanent tooth to come in. If this baby tooth is lost prematurely, that part of the dental arch will likely collapse and there will not be enough room for the permanent tooth. To correct this, you son will then require extensive (and expensive) orthodontic treatment. u need to take him u to the dentest my tooth was like that one time and i had to get my baby tooth taken out it hurts a little bit becace they usally give a shot bu u realy need to get that out.from Hannah

Loose tooth that I don't know is a permanent tooth or baby tooth what should I do?

There is nothing you can do. Don't mess with itand let it drop out. The tooth wouldn't come out if it shouldn't. Recently I've had a tooth that has came out, which i still don't know if it is a baby tooth or an adult one. I started worrying looking all over the Internet for advise. I found some and was assured that there was nothing wrong... its normal.

At what age do beef animals get permanent molars?

At 2 years of age. This is when all the baby teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth.

Does it hurt when you have a filling in your baby tooth?

It can. All baby or adult teeth, have a pulp or 'nerve' in them which is where the sensitivity comes from. That's why it's very important to brush baby teeth just as well as adults brush there permanent teeth. Baby teeth have long 'kid' size roots on them, but as adult teeth start to grow and form underneath the gum, that long root' feeds' (reabsorbs) into the bud of the adult tooth. If the filling is a small filling, you may not feel a thing.

Do all your molars fall out?

The premolars are teeth located between the molars and canine teeth. There are eight premolars, two in each quadrant. The first set of premolar teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth.

Is the air filter in a 2005 mustang permanent?

The air filter in all the new mustangs are not permanent and should be checked or replaced every 15,000 miles

Are you aloud to lose the tooth from the third to your tooth in the middle on your bottom jaw?

yes. you loose all your teeth. - baby teeth. not adult ones.

What permanent tooth is not succedaneous?

succedaneous teeth are any permanent teeth replacing a deciduous teeth.they are the permanent incisors, cuspids and premolars replacing the deciduous incisors, cuspids and molars respectively.

Do children lose all their baby molars before permanent molars develop?
