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The vast majority of Jewish males are circumcised. It is usually done on the eighth day after birth.

However, there are a small number of Jews who are NOT circumcised. Two new anti-circumcision Jewish organizations called Brit Shalom and Jews Against Circumcision have come into existence, and there are SOME synagogues - mostly Reform - that "allow" this. These groups represent a small fringe group of Jews, mostly non-religious Jews.

Another example is in the former Communist Soviet Union, the practice of all religions - including Judaism - was banned, so no boys and men could be circumcised. After the end of Communism, most Jews returned to practicing the faith, and many of these boys and men were uncircumcised. However, many of those who escaped to countries with freedom of religion chose to be circumcised. Today, many Jewish men who have moved from Russia to Israel have chosen to be circumcised too.

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13y ago
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6y ago

Yes, Jewish boys are circumcised in a religious ceremony on the 8th day of their life.

The origin of Jewish circumcision is in the Torah, which is the foundation of Judaism. God told Abraham "every male among you shall be circumcised" as part of the covenant between God and the Jewish people (Genesis ch.17). Since that time, virtually all Jews have observed the command of circumcision for close to four millennia, even in times of religious persecution under the Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, and Soviets. Circumcision is the indelible sign of God's covenant and is just as important as Yom Kippur in terms of the stringency which the Torah places upon it. And similar to Yom Kippur, it is one of the observances which are common to Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews alike.
It may be noted that while we do not keep God's commands because of physical benefits, it is still interesting that circumcision has been known to offer virtually complete protection from penile cancer. According to a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, none of the more than 1,600 persons studied with this cancer had been circumcised in infancy. In the words of researchers Cochen and McCurdy, the incidence of penile cancer in the U.S. is "essentially zero" among circumcised men. Also, research at Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore have shown that circumcised men are six to eight times less likely to become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Researchers believe that protection is due to the removal of the foreskin, which contains cells that have HIV receptors which scientists suspect are the primary entry point for the HIV virus (Reuters, March 25, 2004).
Several studies reported that circumcised boys were between 10 to 39 times less likely to develop urinary tract infections during infancy than uncircumcised boys. In addition, circumcision protects against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections and a variety of other conditions related to hygiene.
The extremely low rate of Cervical cancer in Jewish women (9 to 22 times less than among non-Jewish women) is thought to be related to their husbands' being circumcised. As a result of studies like these, a number of prestigious medical organizations such as the California Medical Association have recognized the benefits of circumcision.
As an operation, circumcision has an extremely small complication rate. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (1990) reported a complication rate of 0.19 percent when circumcision is performed by a physician. When performed by a trained mohel, the rate falls to 0.13 percent or about 1 in 800. When a complication occurs, it is usually due to the bleeding, which is easily correctable. No other surgical procedure can boast such figures for complication-free operations.
One reason why there are so few complications involving bleeding may be that the major clotting agents, prothrombin and vitamin K, do not reach peak levels in the blood until the eighth day after a baby is born. Prothrombin levels are normal at birth, drop to a lower level in the next few days, and return to normal at the end of the first week. One study showed that by the eighth day, prothrombin levels reach 110 percent of normal. In the words of Dr. Armand J. Quick, author of several works on the control of bleeding, "It hardly seems accidental that the rite of circumcision was postponed until the eighth day by the Mosaic law."

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10y ago

The great majority of Jewish males are circumcised. Of those who aren't, most come from countries where religious persecution prevented the circumcision, such as the former Soviet Union. There is also a tiny fringe group, made up of non-religious Jews who contest the need for circumcising their children seeing it as a barbaric and unnecessary ritual that does nothing but harm, and they don't circumcise their boys.

In regard to those who weren't circumcised as a baby due to religious persecution (previously Soviet areas), the majority choose to be circumcised once they get to countries that have freedom of religion.


The origin of Jewish circumcision is in the Torah. God told Abraham "every male among you shall be circumcised" (Gen. 17) as part of the covenant between God and the Jewish people.

Since that time, virtually all Jews have observed the command of circumcision (Genesis ch.17) for close to four millennia, even in times of religious persecution under the Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Soviets and others. Circumcision is the indelible sign of God's covenant with Abraham and is just as important as Yom Kippur in terms of the stringency which the Torah places upon it. And similar to Yom Kippur, it is one of the observances which are common to Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews alike.

Note that while we do not keep God's commands because of physical benefits, it is still interesting to note that:

Circumcision has been known to offer virtually complete protection from penile cancer. According to a recent review article in the New England Journal of Medicine, none of the over 1,600 persons studied with this cancer had been circumcised in infancy. In the words of researchers Cochen and McCurdy, the incidence of penile cancer in the U.S. is "essentially zero" among circumcised men.

Also, research at Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore have shown that circumcised men are six to eight times less likely to become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Researchers believe that protection is due to the removal of the foreskin, which contains cells that have HIV receptors which scientists suspect are the primary entry point for the HIV virus. (Reuters, March 25, 2004)

Several studies reported that circumcised boys were between 10-to-39 times less likely to develop urinary tract infections during infancy than uncircumcised boys. In addition, circumcision protects against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections and a variety of other conditions related to hygiene. The extremely low rate of cervical cancer in Jewish women (9-to-22 times less than among non-Jewish women) is thought to be related to the practice of circumcision.

As a result of studies like these, a number of prestigious medical organizations such as the California Medical Association have recognized the benefits of circumcision.

As an operation, circumcision has an extremely small complication rate. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (1990) reported a complication rate of 0.19 percent when circumcision is performed by a physician. When performed by a trained mohel, the rate falls to 0.13 percent or about 1 in 800. When a complication occurs, it is usually due to the bleeding, which is easily correctable. No other surgical procedure can boast such figures for complication-free operations.

One reason why there are so few complications involving bleeding may be that the major clotting agents, prothrombin and vitamin K, do not reach peak levels in the blood until the eighth day of life. Prothrombin levels are normal at birth, drop to very low levels in the next few days, and return to normal at the end of the first week. One study showed that by the eighth day, prothrombin levels reach 110 percent of normal. In the words of Dr. Armand J. Quick, author of several works on the control of bleeding, "It hardly seems accidental that the rite of circumcision was postponed until the eighth day by the Mosaic law."


It is worth noting that in Judaism, only males are circumcised. Female Jews are not circumcised.

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9y ago

Yes, but only for men.

No not all Jews believe that circumcision is the right thing to do.An increasing number of Jews are convinced that circumcision is just another form of genital mutilation. Nor is circumcision done to Jewish men. it is done to infants that have no choice in the process

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12y ago


Unfortunately, 2 new Jewish Organizations called Brit Shalom and Jews Against Circumcision have come into existence and they're in the Reform Branch of Judaism.

I see it as "an absolute disgrace to the Jewish Community"!

Never the less it seems that subjecting a Little baby to the mind bending pain and trauma of circumcision is sheer cruelty and turning out to be proven harmful to the child. Jews seem to not realise that if they are truly convinced that they need to be circumcised then surely they can make the decision as adults. The first Jews to be mutilated in this way were after all adults. non voluntary circumcision is a cowardly way of carrying on a tradition that is horribly painful and that is disgraceful. go to the related link below for more information on Jews against circumcision.

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11y ago

It depends on how the question is read.

If it is asking whether or not the Jews still perform male circumcision, the answer is Yes. At eight-days-old, a newborn Jewish male will have his foreskin removed by a Mohel, who is trained in just such an activity.

If it is asking if the Jews actually self-circumcise, the answer is No. To do so at the age of eight days would be quite a spectacular demonstration of heroism and advanced development. The procedure is performed by a specialist trained in the relevant medical and Judaic expertise, if one is available, or else by a medical doctor.

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9y ago

Yes; circumcision is nearly universal among Jewish males. The origin of Jewish circumcision is in the Torah. God told Abraham "every male among you shall be circumcised" (Gen. 17) as part of the covenant between God and the Jewish people.
Since that time, virtually all Jews have observed the command of circumcision (Genesis ch.17) for close to four millennia, even in times of religious persecution under the Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Soviets and others. Circumcision is the indelible sign of God's covenant with Abraham and is just as important as Yom Kippur in terms of the stringency which the Torah places upon it. And similar to Yom Kippur, it is one of the observances which are common to Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews alike.

While we do not keep God's commands because of physical benefits, it is still interesting to note that: Circumcision has been known to offer virtually complete protection from penile cancer. According to a recent review article in the New England Journal of Medicine, none of the over 1,600 persons studied with this cancer had been circumcised in infancy. In the words of researchers Cochen and McCurdy, the incidence of penile cancer in the U.S. is "essentially zero" among circumcised men.
Also, research at Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore have shown that circumcised men are six to eight times less likely to become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Researchers believe that protection is due to the removal of the foreskin, which contains cells that have HIV receptors which scientists suspect are the primary entry point for the HIV virus. (Reuters, March 25, 2004) Several studies reported that circumcised boys were between 10-to-39 times less likely to develop urinary tract infections during infancy than uncircumcised boys. In addition, circumcision protects against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections and a variety of other conditions related to hygiene. The extremely low rate of cervical cancer in Jewish women (9-to-22 times less than among non-Jewish women) is thought to be related to the practice of circumcision. As a result of studies like these, a number of prestigious medical organizations such as the California Medical Association have recognized the benefits of circumcision. As an operation, circumcision has an extremely small complication rate. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (1990) reported a complication rate of 0.19 percent when circumcision is performed by a physician. When performed by a trained mohel, the rate falls to 0.13 percent or about 1 in 800. When a complication occurs, it is usually due to the bleeding, which is easily correctable. No other surgical procedure can boast such figures for complication-free operations.
One reason why there are so few complications involving bleeding may be that the major clotting agents, prothrombin and vitamin K, do not reach peak levels in the blood until the eighth day of life. Prothrombin levels are normal at birth, drop to very low levels in the next few days, and return to normal at the end of the first week. One study showed that by the eighth day, prothrombin levels reach 110 percent of normal. In the words of Dr. Armand J. Quick, author of several works on the control of bleeding, "It hardly seems accidental that the rite of circumcision was postponed until the eighth day by the Mosaic law."

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14y ago

Yes, but it can also be done in the hospital or at home.

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13y ago

Yes, 80-90% of Jewish men worldwide are circumcised.

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11y ago

No not necessarily today there is an ever creasing number of Jews that refuse circumcision as it is a form of genital mutilation.

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Are all men Jews?

No, only Jewish men are Jews. Also, not all Jews are men, regardless of how disproportionately Jewish men might be photographed relative to Jewish women.

Do you have to cut of your foreskin to be Jewish?

Abraham was circumcised, so Most Male Jews have had their penis circumcised, the removal of the foreskin. No Jewish woman has Ever had her genitals cut up. Circumcision Only applies to the Men, never to the Women in Judaism.

Is it okay to not be circumcised?

Yes, it is fine there are about half the population of men who are not circumcised

How did the Jews know if someone was circumcised?

The easiest way to tell if someone is circumcised is to look at their flaccid (soft) penis. In uncircumcised men the pink head of the penis will be covered by the foreskin. In circumcised men, the pink head of the penis will be visible when soft since the foreskin has been removed. It's generally assumed that most Jewish males are circumcised on the 8th day after being born. However some Jews may not be circumcised for a variety of reasons. For babies who are premature or are born with health problems, circumcision is usually delayed because of the increased risk of complications. Jews were not circumcised in the Soviet Union because the communist government did not allow religion. Some reform Jewish congregations also no longer require circumcision of infants due to the ethical concerns of removing part of the infant's genitals.

Are most men in Ireland circumcised?

No they are not.

Is there circumcision in Holland?

Circumcision is very rarely practiced in Holland. Probably less than 1% of the men in Holland are circumcised. Of those that are nearly all are Muslims or Jews. who have taken the practice of male genital mutilation with them from the middle east.

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yes the majority of lebanese men are circumcised but some aren't. same as any other country

At what age do you get circumcised?

The vast majority of men in the world are never circumcised, so there's not really an answer to your questions. Jewish infants are circumcised 8 days after birth. However, circumcision is very rare in most parts of the world.

Are most Kuwaiti penises circumcised?

In all country's where the Muslim religion is prevalent circumcision is the prevalent practice. By and large aside from Israel where the Jewish practice the same forms of genital mutilation on their children all other nations of the world. leave their children's genitals intact. that is of all the worlds men somewhere in the region of 15% 0f men are circumcised, the rest are undamaged.

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No, most gay men in the world are not circumcised. Consider the fact that most circumcisions are done before the child reaches adulthood (and in fact, most are babies). How would the parents know what the sexual orientation of their son is?Also, most of the world does not practice circumcision, and gay men make of 3-8% of all men in every society, so most gay men live in places where there is no circumcision.