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The ECG is to monitor the hearts rhythm and determine if their are any problems due to the waves.

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Q: Are all ECGS conclusion of any heart problems?
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Where can I find a diagram of the heart with heart problems explained?

Diagrams can be found all over the internet and in medical books. Web MD is a certified webpage that will give the specific diagram of the heart and also lists very common heart problems and how they affect the heart.

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An echocardiogram shows how well your heart is pumping. As a muscle, all parts of the heart must contract and relax in a sequence. With certain heart problems, part of the heart might contract ineffectively or not at all. The echocardiogram gives important diagnostic information.

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Let it blow over, she will eventually get over herself or talk to you about it. You then should reach some kind of rational conclusion.

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A cardiologist. A Cardiac Surgeon . All cardiologists are not necessarily surgeons.

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Just like all foods, yes. Too much of anything can kill any living being. Ex. Over eating causes obesity, heart problems, health problems, heart falure, ect. until your heart gives out on the overweight body.

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