Lupus will affect HIV screening test?
No. Lupus and HIV/AIDS are not at all related. Lupus is a
condition in which one's immune system cannot tell the difference
between healthy self and dangerous invaders (bacteria, viruses and
parasites). In lupus, the immune system attacks the person's own
body. The result is inflammation, pain and sometimes permanent
organ damage. Lupus develops in people who have a genetic
predisposition to it in combination with exposure to triggers,
either sustained over time or extremely traumatic. Lupus is not
contagious. Lupus is not caused by a virus or bacteria, although
some viruses like Epstein-Barr may trigger the autoimmune reaction.
The majority of cases of lupus are mild to moderate, although it
can be extreme and life threatening. There is no cure, but with
good medical management lupus patients can expect to live a
relatively normal life span. There is no definitive lab test for
lupus. HIV/AIDS is contagious. It is caused by a virus and can be
passed from person to person. In HIV/AIDS the immune system fails
to protect the host resulting in oppotunisitc infections and, if
untreated, death. Today most people with HIV who receive treatment
can live. There is a definitive lab test for HIV/AIDS.