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Orthodox Judaism doesn't allow it, but the other branches do. They're called mohelettes.

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Q: Are Jewish women allowed to perform circumcisions?
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In what year were women allowed to perform on the stage?

they were allowed to perform in 1660

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No women were not allowed to perform. Men were made to play women parts and dressed up as girls.

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No. Women were not allowed to perform or act.

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Women were not allowed to preform at any theatre in Shakespeare's time. Women first appeared on stage in England after 1660.

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Yes. Women were not "allowed" to perform on stage

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There is no Jewish law about asking husbands or wives for money. (In fact, Most Jewish women work outside the house, and have their own money).

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No.... not back in the Greek days

When could women perform in theatre?

It isn't clear when women began being allowed to perform in other cultures. It is in dispute whether they were allowed to act in Greek Theater. But, in India they were allowed to perform starting early in the post Christ era (CE). However, women were not allowed on the British stage until the mid 1600s. This was a result of King Charles II's experiences while in exile in other European countries. So, the presumption is women were acting earlier in these other countries, perhaps France.

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It is not allowed, just like in Christianity, but Jewish men do cheat...they are human too...and so are Jewish women...that's why Jewish law allows divorce

Did actresses perform in Shakespeare's plays?

No, women weren't allowed to act in plays in England prior to the 1660s. Men or boys played the women's roles.

Are Orthodox Jewish women allowed to date?

No. In ancient times, marriages were arranged to avoid "inappropriate" choices of spouses.