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It depends, competitions of all kinds can be entertaining and help people archive and strive for higher goals. So in this regards beauty contests can inspire young women to improve their appearance and many people like to look at beautiful women which is fine.

The problem begins when we become obsessed with beauty, believing beauty is everything, (which it is not!) When this happens, those who aren't so good looking feel terrible and can even be ridiculed and attacked by others obsessed with beauty! Not every young girl can win a beauty contest and girls that are not so good looking can feel inferior and develop complexes and emotional problems. Those who are good looking can also have emotional problems because of the obsession and go to ridiculous lengths to keep up there looks, which can cause a lot of problems including anorexia!

The beautiful are also being set up for failure and a future emotional crises because they are not going to look young and beautiful forever. This is why Britney Spears had her so called melt down. She's not that old and is still a good looking woman but because of her and the publics obsession with her being a perfect, flawless sex-goddess she completely fell apart when she wasn't as young and good looking as when she was at her peak. I think this is rather sad for her and us. If she hadn't put everything into her looks and realized she had other qualities as well she wouldn't have completely fallen apart when she was no longer the sexist woman alive.

I must say its not just young women who are the culprits here. Men (jerks I could use other words to describe them) who call a women who's 3lbs over wight fat, or say terrible insulting things to a woman for being less then a perfect sex-goddess should be, well I better not say what should be done to them but they are also obsessed and are much the reason for young girls being they way they are!

So beauty contests are ok as long as we don't obsess over them and for young women to realize looks are nice but they aren't everything nor are they the most important thing a woman can have. You can still be a valuable and important person if your not stunningly beautiful. You can even have a great man as well. There are many men in this world happily married to women who aren't very beautiful.

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