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cognitive dissonance

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Q: Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in?
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What are the expected results for incompatibility test?

No Reaction At All.

The desire to pursue a conventional lifestyle results in juvenile behavior known as?

The desire to pursue a conventional lifestyle may result in juvenile behavior known as conformity. This behavior involves individuals aligning their actions, beliefs, and attitudes with those of a larger group to fit in and meet societal expectations.

What are the ABC's of psychology?

The ABCs of psychology refer to Antecedents (events that precede a behavior), Behavior (observable actions or reactions), and Consequences (results or outcomes of the behavior). This framework is used to understand and modify behavior through identifying triggers and outcomes.

Learning is a process by which experience results in?

relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior ok

What is an exchange of information that results in a change of behavior called?

An exchange of information that results in a change of behavior is called an influence. For example, you have a habit of smoking. You are given information about the health risks, and you then change your behavior to quit smoking.

How can you distinguish a behavior from an attitude outcome hoped for condition Customer service sixth edition?

In customer service, behavior refers to the actions and conduct of employees when interacting with customers, such as tone of voice and body language. Attitude is the employees' mindset or feelings towards customers and the service they provide. Outcome hoped for condition is the desired result or goal of the interaction, such as customer satisfaction or issue resolution. By observing employee actions, understanding their attitudes, and aiming for positive outcomes, a business can effectively distinguish between behavior, attitude, and desired results in customer service.

What describes the results of BF Skinner's study of animal behavior?

B.F. Skinner's study of animal behavior focused on operant conditioning, where behavior is strengthened or weakened by the consequences that follow it. He showed that animals can learn to perform specific behaviors through reinforcement, such as food rewards. Skinner's research demonstrated that behavior is influenced by its consequences and can be modified through conditioning.

What are the elements of behaviour?

The elements of behavior include antecedents (events that precede a behavior), the behavior itself, and consequences (results of the behavior). These elements interact in the ABC model of behavior: Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence. Understanding these elements can help in modifying and shaping behavior.

What are the scietific attitudes?

Scientific attitudes include curiosity, skepticism, objectivity, open-mindedness, and critical thinking. These attitudes help scientists approach research and investigations with a systematic and rational mindset, leading to more reliable and valid results.

Mars model of organisational behaviour?

The Mars model of organizational behavior focuses on individual behavior, organizational behavior, and results in organizations. It highlights the interactions between these three components and how they influence each other. The model emphasizes the importance of aligning individual behavior with organizational goals to achieve desired outcomes.

What are three ways a teacher could use the results of the adaptive behavior scales to increase adaptive behavior skills?

Identify specific areas of strength and weakness in adaptive behavior skills to inform individualized instruction and support plans. Set specific, measurable goals for each student based on their adaptive behavior scale results and track progress over time. Collaborate with other professionals, such as speech therapists or occupational therapists, to create a comprehensive intervention plan that targets specific adaptive behavior deficits.

What is a type of learning that results from unpleasant consequences?

Punishment learning is a type of learning that results from unpleasant consequences. It involves associating a behavior with a negative outcome to reduce the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future.