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Any exercise to do for the Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

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Q: Any exercise to do for the Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?
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Yes, any prolonged strenuous activity on the hands can cause carpal tunnel, such as typing.

What is the mean of the word tarsal?

the word tarsal means of or relating or pertaining to tarsus in any sense.

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There should be no problem flying before having carpal tunnel syndrome surgery.

What is the scientific name for ankle bones?

The bones specifically involved in the ankle joint are the tibia, fibula and talus. Any of the joints that unite the tarsal bones. (Tarsals)

What cause carpal tunnel?

Hi, There are no exercises which cause carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS is caused by an inflammation in the carpal tunnel ( which is made up of the carpal bones in the hand and the flexor retinaculum (a ligament) ). The inflammation can be caused by a number of things, eg. artheritis of the carpal bones, tendonitis or any condition that causes oedema for example, pregnancy. Some of these things will go away on there own, but some may require medical intervention. There are exercises which will induce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is anything that puts pressure on the carpal tunnel for example when you have your hands bent downwards towards your wrists. But this is not the pathological cause of the syndrome Hope this helps Hi, There are no exercises which cause carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS is caused by an inflammation in the carpal tunnel ( which is made up of the carpal bones in the hand and the flexor retinaculum (a ligament) ). The inflammation can be caused by a number of things, eg. artheritis of the carpal bones, tendonitis or any condition that causes oedema for example, pregnancy. Some of these things will go away on there own, but some may require medical intervention. There are exercises which will induce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is anything that puts pressure on the carpal tunnel for example when you have your hands bent downwards towards your wrists. But this is not the pathological cause of the syndrome Hope this helps

What is the difference between carpal tunnel and arthritis?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the nerve in the wrist, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. Arthritis, on the other hand, is a condition that causes inflammation and stiffness in the joints. While carpal tunnel syndrome affects a specific nerve in the wrist, arthritis can affect any joint in the body.

When can you drive after tarsal tunnel surgery?

When the drugs are worn off a day or two later. I have had 2 separate Tarsal Tunnel Releases 12 years apart. I drove with both of mine. My right foot was more challenging because gas pedals are on the right side. I drove with my left foot. I would not recommend doing this in heavy traffic since it is different and awkward. I did not drive often in the event of emergencies but I would drive occasionally when needed. Please do not be driving with side effects of any pain medication in the event you are taking them.

Is there any medications for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Yes there are actually exercises that can be given, after diagnosis from a Doctor and a referal to a Physiotherapist. The type of exercises and amount of vists to the Physio that are required would be dependant on each individual case and the severity of the carpal tunnel syndrome. At home exercises could include icing, stretching, and massage.

Is Talar and Tarsal the same thing?

No, Talar and Tarsal are not the same thing. Talar refers to the bones of the ankle joint, specifically the talus bone. Tarsal, on the other hand, refers to the group of seven bones that make up the ankle and back part of the foot.

How can you relieve carpel tunnel?

There are several treatments available for the carpal tunnel syndrome. Some possible options are evaluating any other medical problems that might contribute to the carpal tunnel syndrome, wearing a wrist splint or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms.

DOL OWCP denied my claim after the doctor diagnosised it as carpal tunnel syndrome DOL stated that the injury could not have caused carpal tunnel syndrome is there any recourse?

You have not given enough information. Carpal tunnel is an occupational disease. I think that is what it is called. It is caused from repetitive motion. It is not caused from one specific injury. If you had a specific injury it could not have caused the carpel tunnel. However, you may still have an OWCP claim for the carpel tunnel if you return to your doctor and ask them what caused the carpel tunnel . If there is a repetitive component to your job,i.e keying mail? Keyboard? this may be the cause of carpel tunnel, then it is indeed a claim for OWCP. You did not say what the injury was or what the results were but the carpel tunnel was just something the doctor happened to find when he examined you after the accident . You have had it all along , not just because of the accident.

How is any syndrome named?

Any syndrome named after its discoverer.