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Antagonists are muscles that work in the opposite direction from prime movers and synergists.

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Q: Antagonists are muscles that resist what kind of actions and also cause movement in the opposite direction?
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Antagonists are muscles that resist the actions of what and cause movement in the opposite direction?

Antagonists are muscles that resist the actions of agonist muscles and cause movement in the opposite direction. They help control the speed and range of motion of a joint during movement. Working together, agonist and antagonist muscles create balanced movement patterns in the body.

What is a force that is opposite to its actions?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and acts in the opposite direction of an object's movement. It resists the sliding or rolling of one surface over another.

What is the medical term meaning muscles having opposite actions from each other on a bone?

The medical term is "antagonistic muscles." These muscles work in pairs where one muscle contracts while the other relaxes, allowing for smooth and controlled movement around a joint.

Are parents in a story a protagonist or a antagonist?

Parents in a story can be either protagonists or antagonists, depending on their role and actions within the narrative. They could be supportive and helpful to the main character, making them protagonists, or they could be obstacles or foes, making them antagonists.

What is an antagonist in anatomy?

The term means to act against and it is often used when talking about muscle actions. When one muscle or groups of muscles contracts, the opposite acing muscles must relax. These are called antagonists of each other. When the Biceps Brachii flexes the forearm, the Triceps Brachii must relax.

What term best describes the relationship between the pronator quadratus and supinator?

The relationship between pronator quadratus and supinator muscles can be described as antagonistic. Pronator quadratus pronates the forearm (rotates it inward), while the supinator supinates the forearm (rotates it outward), producing opposite actions at the radioulnar joint.

What are the fundamental movement actions?

The fundamental movement actions are walking, running, jumping, crawling, climbing, pushing, pulling, bending, and twisting. These actions are foundational to human movement and are essential for developing physical fitness and motor skills.

What are the elements of movements?

The elements of movement include time (tempo, rhythm), space (direction, level, size), energy (force, flow, tension), and body (body parts, body shape, body actions). These elements combine to create different qualities and dynamics in movement.

What are two actions that can remove the magnetic properties of a permanent magnet?

Heating the magnet above its Curie temperature and subjecting it to strong external magnetic fields in the opposite direction can remove its magnetic properties.

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The opposite of autonomy is dependence, where someone relies on others for decisions and actions in their life.

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Bad Movement

What word can replace movement?

actions or active