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Q: An extreamly mentaly ill person might be described this way?
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Why might a person be described as unpredictable?

If an individual displays erratic behavior, they might be described as unpredictable. This individual might behave very differently from one day to the next. People might find it difficult to guess how the person might react to a particular situation, because the person had varying responses in the past to similar situations.

What happens when a Jaguar bits?

It is obviously angry. the bite will hurt extreamly. the bite might get infected.

What is meant when a person is described as incoherent?

When a person is described as incoherent it means that they can't think or talk in a clear way. This might be because of a disability or because they're angry or excited.

What do they call a person who criticize?

Such a person might be described as a critic. Depending upon the validity of the criticisms in question, other terms might also be used. A person who makes unnecessary or unkind criticisms would be described as unpleasant (or other terms that would be impolite for me to mention).

What is an extremely mentally ill person might be described this way?

Someone who supports charities to help others

What is the proper adjective for height?

The proper adjective for height depends upon the kind of height that you wish to describe; people can be tall or short. An extremely tall person could be described as towering, gigantic, huge. An extremely short person might be described as tiny, minute.

What do think indica might have described?

It described how Chandragupta's pans for the empire were executed.

What do you call a person pushes you to work?

A person who pushes you to work is often referred to as a motivator or a taskmaster. They might also be described as a mentor or a coach who helps you stay focused and productive.

What does it means to be mentaly healthy?

Mentaly healthy can mean many things depending on who told you. But mentaly means your brain (opposite to physically) and so it might mean that you have got the right head space, and your brain is well trained and your ready to do anything. But i am no expert so if this is not the case please ask the person who told you, or ask a teacher of some sort I am sure they will be happy to help. :D

You believe in God and want to be a good person but you dont understand or agree 100 percent with any religion?

You might be described as "spiritual." Lots of people feel that way.

What would a guy who likes you think if you acted retarded in front of him. would he get over you or still like you?

I think it would depend on if you were acting mentaly challenged in that case I think he might judge you to be insensitive to the mentaly handicapped, but if you are refering to just acting like a fool, some guys find that endearing and if you have someone who can't see past that and is so shallow that he won't like you for something so small, why do you want him?

What are some adjective that describe susan b Anthony?

Susan B Anthony might be described as:intelligentdirectedpurposefuldeterminedheroicinnovativea thinkerpursuasive