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An animal that maintains its body temperature within a narrow range even when the environmental temperature varies is a warm-blooded animal.

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Q: An animal that maintains its body temperature within a narrow range even when the environmental temperature varies is an example of?
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An animal that maintains its body temperature within a narrow range even when the environmental temperature varies is an example of a?


What is a endothernic animal?

A animal that maintains a constant body temperature is called endothermic animal. A endothermic animal is also called homeothermic animal. Example: Aves and mammals are the only animals that are endothermic.

What is a andotherm?

A warmblooded animal that maintains a constant body temperature.

What category of animal always maintains a consistent body temperature?


What kind of animal maintains a body temperature in cold and warm climates?

Endotherms maintain a constant body temperature.Eg:-mammals

What is a example of a environmental effect on phenotype?

An example of an environmental effect on phenotype is the influence of temperature on fur color in certain animals. For instance, Arctic foxes have white fur in cold environments and brown fur in warmer regions to help them blend in with their surroundings. This change in fur color is a response to the environmental temperature and helps the animal better adapt to its habitat.

Is an example of an abiotic factor for a given animal?

An example of an abiotic factor for an animal could be temperature. For instance, a high or low temperature could affect the metabolism, behavior, and overall health of an animal.

What is the process of thermostasis?

Thermostasis is the process by which an organism maintains a stable internal body temperature. This is achieved through mechanisms such as sweating or shivering to regulate heat loss or production. The goal is to keep the body temperature within a narrow range despite external temperature fluctuations.

What type of environmental factors are water soil and temperature?

Water, soil, and temperature are considered abiotic environmental factors. These factors play a crucial role in shaping ecosystems and influencing the distribution of plant and animal species, as well as various physical and chemical processes in the environment.

What is an example of an ectothermic animal?

Cold blooded animalsSnakesLizardsfishinsectsAnimals who's temperature is controlled by the enviorment.

What is the body temperature of a colded blooded animal?

Close to its surroundings if its 90 its somewhere near that.cold blooded animals take up the temperature of their surroundings.their body maintains a cold temperature when the environment they are in is cold and vice versa.they are opposite to warmblooded creatures who maintain a constant body temperature on the inside.

What do you call animals whose body temperature is the same as there surroundings?

That type of animal or organism is known as an ectotherm. An example of this is a frog, who depends on sources of environmental heat to help them achieve different lifestyle operations based on metabolic rates.