

Best Answer

Ask your doctor.

No, not for sure. You could have a hormone imbalance. You definitely need to see a doctor.

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Q: Am i for sure pregnant if i havent had my period in almost two months and i got two positive pregnancy tests?
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If the test is positive is it definite that you are pregnant?

if a pregnancy test is positive, then there is a big chance that you may be pregnant. if you havent had any intercourse without protection then you shouldn't worry.

I been having sore nipples and a brownish-pinkish discharge but i been on the depo and i havent had my shot in almost 4 months i also had unprotected sex can i be pregnant?

there is always the possibility of a pregnancy if you are engaging in sexual intercourse. Check with your doctor, or take an at home pregnancy test

You havent came on your period for over a week and you did a pregnancy test yesterday but im not pregnant so why havent you came on?

Stress, change of life styles, it could be a many of things.

I am 2 months late and I havent took another test since I was 2 weeks late do you think I could be pregnant?

yes i think you could be pregnant. just take another pregnancy test and you should be fine. if it comes back positive just go to the doctor ,if it says negative then you're not pregnant

You have been having many symptoms of pregnancy and ive tried 3 pregnancy test but they all came out negative and you havent missed your period yet could you be pregnant?

Yes you can

Havent had a period for 2 months but not pregnant should you keep taking pill?

If you want to avoid pregnancy, you should keep taking the pill.

Could a pregnancy test come back positive if the fetus dies and you havent started bleeding yet?

yes but this is called still birth.

If you have the IUD but you have been having heartburn an you havent got your period could you be pregnant?

Getting pregnant with an IUD in place is rare but it does happen. If you feel that you may be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible due to possible health risks to you and to the pregnancy.

You are on implanon birth control you havent felt like you and you have spotting for two days and a brownish discharge and felt flutters in your stomach could you be pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test to determine if you're pregnant while on the contraceptve implant. The implant does not affect the results of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is very rare on the contraceptive implant and spotting and flutters are not signs of pregnancy.

You think you're pregnant but you havent experienced spotting yet does spotting happen to all pregnant women.?

Not all women spot. Some women will have spotting with 1 pregnancy and none with the next. If you think you are pregnant, see your doctor or get a test.

You have done 6 pregnancy tests and came back positive each one but you havent really got many symptoms?

Checking with your doctor is always best. It could just be that you are not experiencing any symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness and tender breast because there is a family history of easy pregnancies. Ask your mother, sisters and Aunts how they felt when pregnant.

How can you get your girl pregnant if you smoke weed i smoke weed and i havent got her pregnant and we've been trying it for over a year almost two ok but without stoping smoking it?

Stop smoking it.