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yes, it is normal.the first milk is called "collustrum", after the baby is born, but it is also a normal ocurrence, for it to leak out prior to the baby being born. but if you still have any concerns, please see your m.d . bonetec. Yes it is very normal. I even experienced it earlier than seven months. The more children you have the sooner some of the symptoms may come. Not only will you be leaking but you may experience your breast throbbing as well. All is normal.

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This is completely normal, usually breast milk will start to leak around 12-14 weeks but will not be fully prominent until around the birth of the baby.

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Q: Am five months pregnant you have problem of leaking breastmilk is it normal?
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Im about 6 weeks pregnant is it normal to be leaking colostrum this early in pregnancy?

Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.

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It might. Call your doctor and ask. if you are leaking fluid the baby might not have enough inside.

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It varies based on your own body, we're all unique, but most of my friends started lactating in their third month of pregnancy. My sister didn't lactate until she was seven or eight months pregnant.

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If your breast are leaking at 3 months it may not be milk at all, but discharge. It is possible you have an infection.

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if youre 1 day late your breasts shouldn't be leaking anything. not at least for several more months. get a pregnancy test.

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Most likely it's a hormonal imbalance, consult your doctor.

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I have read medical books saying that you can get pregnant while having a period. So, I think you should test to ease your mind. I too have wondered the same thing, as I am leaking colostrum and tested negative.

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If you are not pregnant go see a doctor since you might have a hormonal problem.

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No it's not a problem it's just saying that your baby will be ready to come out soon.

Why are my breasts Leaking while on birth control?

The only medical explanation that comes to mind is... That you confused your birth control pills for the sugar pills and you are now 6 months pregnant.